On the day of Friday, 6 106 new deaths and 271 069 new cases have been identified in the world. Latin America is the region most affected.

The pandemic of the new coronavirus that has killed at least 721 902 deaths in the world since the WHO office in China has reported the appearance of the disease at the end of December, according to a report drawn up by the Agence France Press from official sources on Saturday. Nearly 20 million cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 196 countries and territories since the beginning of the epidemic, including at least 11 514 500 are now considered as cured.

The number of diagnosed cases does not reflect, however, that a fraction of the real number of infections. Some countries test only for severe cases, others use the tests as a priority for tracing and number of poor countries do not have that capacity screening limited.

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On the day of Friday, 6 106 new deaths and 271 069 new cases have been identified in the world. The countries that have recorded the most new deaths in their last balance-sheets are Brazil with 1 079 new dead, the United States (1 062) and India (933).

The United States remains the country most affected

The United States, faced with a resurgence of the epidemic since the end of June, remains by far the country deploring the over died of the novel coronavirus, more than 160 000. On Friday, they have recorded 1 062 people dead and more than 52 000 new cases of coronavirus, according to the count Friday, of the Johns Hopkins university.

The school year has started in several american States, including where the coronavirus is still circulating actively, and quarantines have already had to be imposed because of the students sick. In a county of Mississippi scrutinized after cases of Covid-19 in a high school, the tests were given 25% of positive results.

Latin America, the region most affected

Latin America and The Caribbean have become Friday the region of the world most affected in number of deaths by the new coronavirus. With at least 213 120 deaths, this region surpasses Europe, which accounts for 212 660 deaths, according to a balance sheet prepared as of Friday.

These last seven days, almost one death out of two in the world (44%) occurred in Latin America. The region is also the one that has the largest number of cases of infection (over 5.3 million), mainly in Brazil, which borders on Friday, the $ 100 000 deaths with 2.9 million cases. In this country, the official assessment is “six to seven times lower than reality,” says Domingos Alves, a specialist in brazilian statistics related to the pandemic.

The president Jair Bolsonaro, who has continued to minimize the disease that he qualifies as a “small flu”, said on Friday that “a clear conscience” about his management of the crisis. Mexico is the third country most affected in the world with 51 311 dead (469 407 cases).

Chile passes the milestone of 10 000 dead

Chile has crossed Saturday the milestone of 10 000 deaths due to the new coronavirus, five months after the onset of the first case in this Latin american country, one of the most affected in the region, announced by the minister of Health.

in The last 24 hours, there have been 53 new deaths, bringing the total balance of the dead 10-011. During the same period, the authorities have identified 2201 new cases of contamination, bringing the total to more than 370 000, said during a press conference the minister Enrique Paris.

Europe reconfine partially

the Third is the most affected country, the United Kingdom accounts for 46 511 deaths (309 005 case). Elsewhere in Europe, Belgium deplores the greatest number of deaths relative to its population, with 85 deaths for every 100,000 inhabitants, followed by the United Kingdom (69), Peru (63), Spain (61), and Italy (58).

Spain, where quarantine local restrictions are imposed, in particular in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Aragon, has added Friday to the list the city of Aranda de Duero, with 32 000 inhabitants, 150 km north of Madrid. Police checks have been installed on the outskirts of the city, which will remain under a lid for at least two weeks.

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In Germany, two schools in the north of the country have had to close their doors after the emergence of cases of infection Covid-19, just a few days after the start of classes. Berlin imposed from Saturday, a test of Covid-19 required for any traveler returning from an area of risk.

In England, it is the city of Preston, in Lancashire (north-west), which will see its containment hardened due to an increase in cases locally. Similar prohibitions are maintained in some regions of the North-west, West Yorkshire and Leicester.

the Face of continued travel restrictions related to the pandemic, the european Commission called on Friday, the EU member States to allow entry into the Union for unmarried partners of european citizens and residents.

The EU has also decided Friday to remove Morocco from the list of countries exempt from the restriction of travel, due to a recrudescence of contamination. In the United Kingdom, a quarantine is imposed from Saturday, visitors from Belgium, Andorra or the Bahamas

Concerns over the Syria

In the Syria war, the dean of the faculty of medicine of Damascus Noubough al-Awa mentions a situation epidemic “terrifying”, and explains that “many citizens go to the public hospitals, but unfortunately all the rooms are full”.

the ministry of Health, which has so far officially identified a total of 999 cases, including 48 deaths, acknowledged that he had not always “the ability to conduct screening on a large scale in different provinces.” With a health sector hit since 2011 by a deadly conflict and devastating, hospitals under-equipped, or damaged, the Syria can not cope with the epidemic.

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memory Loss, depression… The sequelae neuropsychological Covid-19 Brazil exceeds the threshold of 100 000 died of the coronavirus is The mask mandatory in certain areas of Paris and the Ile-de-France from Monday,

In June, the world Health Organization (WHO) expressed “concern” in the face of the spread of the virus, evoking the “infrastructure in bad conditions and weak health systems weakened by conflict”.