Metro is progressing with the sale of the supermarket chain Real, apparently: The group announced that it would lead to exclusive negotiations with a consortium.

Update from the 8. May 2019:

The trade group’s Metro chain of Real progress in the planned sale of its approximately 280 markets comprehensive supermarket. With a retail real estate specialists Redos in a consortium led by the exclusive contract had been agreed, negotiations, told Metro on Wednesday evening in Dusseldorf. The framework concept, to sell Real as a Whole of Redos.

Metro would remain, therefore, first of all, the operating business of Real with 24.9 percent involved. The concept of the potential buyer based “both on the results of extensive investments as well as on an adaptation of the branch network”. The goal is to come in the summer, a contract to completion. The sale process for the 34 000 employees, counting chain Real was launched in September 2018.

Metro chief Olaf Koch described the of Redos-led consortium, as a strong and experienced Partner, who had presented from his point of view, the most convincing concept for the realignment of Real. “As minority shareholders we are willing to accompany the way with full responsibility for a defined period of time.” Metro wants to focus on the wholesale business.

13,000 jobs affected – now Metro Real want to give it away-super markets

Update from 10. April 2019: Metro chief Olaf Koch had announced the end of 2018, to the daughter company Real sell, to the Metro AG to be interpreted in the future, entirely to the wholesale trade. So far, the sale of the supermarket chain, including its real estate was planned for this project. The Metro is in final negotiations with the two property investors x+bricks, and the Redos group, such as the Handelsblatt reported. Now should be coming to this Plan, but doubts have been raised about why Metro is thinking about an Alternative to the complete sale. This Plan B is to give the ailing daughter of Real.

As the Handelsblatt from negotiating circles, speaks to Metro parallel with the purchasing Association Significantly. In the room is only the operation, without the real estate. According to the Handelsblatt, the purchase price for the pure operation of Real is located at 99 million euros. Distinctive the available Online should want to take over the business of Reals, would increase the purchase price. The real estate will be sold only in a second step. The Curious thing: a Deal with Striking Metro would invest 300 million euros in the business, the liquidity needs of Real for a period of at least three years, to cover. Metro would give the supermarket chain, therefore, practically to the shopping network.

sense and purpose of this split-up of operating and real estate instead of a complete sale, was to prevent the destruction of Real. Because neither the Redos group of Investor x+bricks would operate in the interest of Real to. Instead, the locations of packages would be passed on to other traders and with such an allocation, many jobs will be lost. Because according to Handelsblatt, up to 100 of 279 sites could be closed, with up to 13,000 jobs would be affected. Metro chief Olaf Koch had to prevent his employees, however, promised such a smashing and Real in good hands. And also from a financial point of view, this scenario would be for Metro to be unattractive, since the social plan could add up the cost to more than 200 million euros. Koch stressed he “will try everything, the continuation of Real, and we will exhaust all possibilities”. It should be achieved with measurement of all parameters for the best possible solution.

Meanwhile, dm is throwing a popular brand from the assortment. A “cave of the lion”-a judge with his product.

Update 4. April: The Real supermarkets could soon be history. Now, there are already potential buyers.

Update from 25. February 2019: In the consumer market chain Real a drastic change before*, the company announced on Monday. Edeka and other super markets are the plans skeptical.

Great supermarket brand, it could “disappear” – what’s next for Real?

Düsseldorf – Metro AG, all of which are Real-administered markets, it plans to concentrate mainly on the wholesale business and the Metro and bustle of stores. The group in 2018. Considerations, to separate from the supermarket chain Real, there have been in the business for a long time. Since last year, Real is now officially for sale. Internal turmoil since then: employees fear for their jobs and wondering how to do it.

is apparently a possible buyer for some of the total of 287 Real stores in Germany: Kaufland is interested in 100 branches of the supermarket chain, wants to have know the food newspaper from commercial circles. This report wanted to confirm the country of purchase on demand of neither and nor deny. Normally, this procedure of confirmation comes close.

The Figures of the Real stores are on the decline

Metro AG has an evaluation of the scientific trade Institute EHI Retail Institute, according to good reasons, to separate from the Real stores. So sales of the supermarket chain fell, the net of 2.6 billion euros at the beginning of 2013 to 1.7 billion euros by the end of 2017. These Figures are based on press releases, sales reports, and quarterly reports.

A more difficult situation: The total selling space of the Real was in the year 2000, 2.6 million square meters. In 2011, there were 3.1 million square meters. In these eleven years, Real opened up so many new stores. However, since 2012 the overall sales area. It was 2018 to 1.9 million square feet.

why purchase country wants to take on Real stores, although the Figures show a rather declining development reflect? The answer: the retail giant wants to grow with new branches. However, until building permits are issued for new premises, it often takes years. A way out of the misery, the Acquisition of existing competitors.

The trade group’s purchase of land currently with a different action to sensation. He now wants to bring crooked fruit and vegetables to the customer.

also read: Lidl-Chef surprise you with a statement to Aldi and power employees salary promise.

expert predicts: “The Real brand disappears from the market”

In an interview with the Portal speculated industry experts, that buying land is to take the revenues of the branches under the microscope. It consulting companies could help. A time window is not yet known, but trade experts are unanimous: There, where the sales and development potential, is likely to become Real in the country of purchase renamed. This is particularly the case of the branches of the case, the good transport links and a manageable competition.

the renaming of The branches will be but probably not from one day to implement, but in the course of many years. The process will run similar to the conversion of the Tengelmann supermarkets in the Rewe and Edeka stores. A trade expert is sure: “The Real brand will disappear from the market. Until when, but can tell no one.“

More: In Delmenhorst, there was a dispute in the Parking lot in front of a buying country, the police now on Twitter, according to Lama, like* reported.

Exclusively the offer from Aldi in the delivery of “curbside” is included in the price is now. But, as the curious 400-pound product is supposed to get into the house?

also read: , dm and Rossmann competition: Newcomer wants to conquer a special Trick to the German market

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network