Earlier in the afternoon after work, there is no way past it: Pubs are one of Britain such as the Afternoon Tea or the accurately trimmed lawn. But more and more hosts will need to close your Local. In the first half of the year 2018, nearly 500 Pubs have closed – it is a development that has been going on for years. In order to survive, you have to increase the hosts, the prices for beer. But the situation only worsens, Because the people buy their beer now, prefer to in the supermarket and drink it at home.

“20 years Ago, people went to two, three or four Times per week in the Pub. Today, only once a week, because they can’t afford otherwise,” says Patrick Linn. The 43-Year-old is Manager of the pub “The Lamb and Flag” in London’s Covent Garden. His profession, he, in the meantime, since the age of 17, he started in the former industrial city of Coventry. “When I worked there in 2005, alone there were in our street eleven Pubs. As I left the city in 2010, there were only two”.

the Smoking ban to blame? Too England’s Pubs are Dying out? DPA

As the cause for the decline of Pubs, the British Beer and Pub Association (BB&PA) announced, for example, the Smoking ban, the 2007 came into force, as well as changes in leisure habits. A rise in cost pressure for the Pub operator. Primarily responsible for this strong increase in taxes on alcoholic beverages. The beer tax in the United Kingdom is the BB&PA, now at 54 Pence (61 cents) per Pint – that’s about twelve Times as much as in Germany. Abuse justified by the high taxes, the fight against alcohol.

But also other taxes to the hosts. “The property tax has eight in some places multiplied,” says Linn. Be affected, particularly London and the South East of the country. In his view, also carry the ever-increasing personnel costs, and more and more Pubs are shut.

In “The Lamb and Flag” costs the cheapest Pint of four pounds (around 4.5 Euro) – 1xbet ten percent more than two years ago. Overall, the average price for a Pint in the United Kingdom between 2000 and 2017, doubled the BB&PA, according to almost. The number of Pubs in the same period decreased from 60 800 48 350. Also in Germany, the number of pubs has declined significantly. The Smoking ban, which applies in most States for well over ten years, but rather a subordinate role. Experts emphasize, rather, that the claim of the visitors have changed, and especially the young people wanted to here more Entertainment.

the Pubs in the bustling metropolises of herb liquor Like Jägermeister to the Brexit will Survive-victims

According to the British guide “the Good Pub Guide” is currently the best beer in the rural counties of Shropshire and Herefordshire, for an average of 3.37 pounds. In London you have to pay an average of 4.44 pounds for a beer. The British perceive three pounds as a reasonable price for a beer, as in the June survey published by the opinion research Institute YouGov among more than 40 000 British. Another survey found that the majority of Britons holding a Pint in the Pub, simply no longer affordable.

How he survived with his Pub, which has existed since 1623, anyway? Linn just want answers, because a woman left with a Partner and a child, the Local interrupts him. “Thank you for the wonderful Service. The food and drinks are very tasty,” she says, and says goodbye. Linn comes just at the right time. “The customers are impressed and recommend us to others,” he says. “So Pubs will survive.” However, this can be also due to the position of “the Lamb and Flag” in the of tourists bustling metropolis of London. Host homes outside the centre have it is heavier and would be more likely to suffer from the market situation, and closing.

Naoual Abardah / DPA