fried eggs are a science in itself. Really nice, you will not succeed most of the time. But with this simple Trick you will in the blink of an eye to the experts.

It can ruin a whole Morning: You want to fry two fried eggs, and what happens? They stick together in the pan, that you can’t turn around, the yolk is broken … you know the Drama.

But . now there is an end and finally fried eggs, as in the Restaurant And the Best part is, the Trick really is shockingly simple:

mirror eggs properly roast

do you need a pan and plenty of grease. the Heat the pan, not too strong , otherwise the eggs set and are black at the bottom, before they are hammered on the top side.

you Beat an Egg into the pan (so the works by the way without the hassle of egg shell bits) Wait until it starts to turn white. Into this beat now the next Egg. Pour a small SIP of water. Turn up the heat of the plate down a bit. Now take a lid that fits the pan size and cover the eggs with it.

And when you need to salt the eggs? The answer will surprise you.

The heat from below of the lid ensures that the water is evaporated and the eggs on the upper side are faltering , without the need for you to turn around for it. The time-staggered Roast prevents the eggs from sticking together. And ready for the most beautiful fried eggs, the has seen your Breakfast table ever!

for the perfect Fried egg, you are ready for the poached Egg: as simple As that works in the microwave!

Also interesting: So your pan gets a real non-stick coating


you quickly Look in your refrigerator: This food need to get out