what is the result of the local elections in Saxony in 2019? What are the current election Trends? We will keep you on election day, and provide in advance all important Infos.

Here we feeds all the News, results and reactions to the local election in Saxony, This will take place on 26. May 2019 instead of in Parallel. citizens of Saxony, their vote in the European elections to give the new County councils, city councils, municipal councils and village councils for the next five years, The election is considered a barometer for the state election in Saxony, on the 1 to be Elected September 2019

Dresden On Sunday, 26. In may 2019, will be held in Saxony, the local elections. We clarify the most important issues for the local elections in Saxony in advance and deliver them on election day, constantly the latest News on and as soon as this is possible, and also the results.

local elections in Saxony in 2019: Who is allowed to vote?

As in the years 2009 and 2014, the local elections held in Saxony, also in 2019, parallel to the European election. Saxony, nearly 6000 choice for the elections of local open between eight and 18, at votes. Alternatively, it can also be by postal ballot vote. This can apply to be eligible to vote online, and the documents get sent to you.

entitled to vote for the municipal elections of German and foreign EU-citizens over the age of 18 years, a stay of at least three months in the respective electoral area.

local elections in Saxony in 2019: What is chosen?

In local elections in Saxony, be elected in 2019, all 419 of the city and the local councils. In addition, to be chosen in nearly 220 communities, nearly 900 village councils. How many parties are varied in each of the municipalities and cities selectable. While in Dresden, about eleven parties will compete, in Chemnitz and Leipzig, only ten.

In a number of Saxon municipalities in addition to the 26. May also still elect their mayor. This includes the cities of Dobeln, Werdau, Görlitz and Aue-Schlema.

municipal elections in Saxony, 2019: when can we expect a result?

is to be expected at what time a result of the local elections in Saxony, is in advance difficult to predict.

however, if you Look at the last municipal election on may 25. In may 2014, you can imagine, when the first results are available. As the Torgauer Zeitung reported on election day, the first North Saxon results came in on election day, shortly after 19.00 o’clock from the municipality of Elsnig . Of course, the votes in the smaller municipalities are counted faster than in the cities. the So one may also expect the local elections to 2019 in Saxony against 19.00 o’clock with the first results.

However, it will take in some local authorities, some, before a result is obtained: finally, the parallel with Europe is the preferred choice in the enumeration.

five years ago, all of the results were not available on the day of the election. In the town of Torgau, about the results of the Council vote came the next day, shortly after 9.00 PM.

In a communication to the municipal election of the Saxon state Ministry of the Interior, relating to the determination of the election result: “First of all, determine in each case the result of the European elections, then – to the extent that in individual cases, to this day carried out – the result of the mayoral election. Thereafter, the result of the municipal election, County Council election, the Ortschaftsrats consequences for all the municipalities or the city Council election.“

in Addition, the Saxon Ministry of the interior explained in a FAQ-PDF the most important questions of citizens to vote in local elections.

municipal elections in Saxony, 2019: With what result is expected?

The municipal election in Saxony is also considered to be a barometer for the upcoming Saxony state election on 1. September, 2019.

available In a choice survey conducted by the opinion research Institute INSA (Stand: 5. April 2019), the AfD, with 25 percentage points, only just behind the CDU of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (28 percent). It is the Left with 17 percent, the greens and the SPD, each with nine percent and the FDP six percent.

there is, However, in the case of the local elections in Saxony, unlike in the case of the state election with no lock-out clause, that is to say, a 5-percent-hurdle.

reader survey in Saxony: Take part in the local elections in Saxony?
