The association has considerable power because of the ceremony it conducts each year and that often has value of taking the pulse before the Oscars.

The group is very exclusive of the journalists hosting the prestigious Golden Globes ceremony, is accused in a complaint filed Monday to enjoy the benefits of luxury and unprecedented access to Hollywood stars, while seeking to sabotage the accessions of new members, causing a monopoly situation.

“Throughout the year”, the members of the association hollywood foreign press (HFPA) to take advantage of “travel all expenses paid to film festivals in the four corners of the world, where the studios treat them lavishly and accommodate their every whim,” details the complaint made by the journalist and Norwegian Kjersti Flaa.

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“The candidates who are qualified to join the HFPA are almost always rejected because the majority of its 87 members do not want to share the huge economic benefit they receive as members”, she adds. This association has a significant amount of power because of the ceremony it conducts each year and that often has value of taking the pulse before the Oscars. Its members decide by themselves who will walk away each year with the coveted Golden Globes.

The association “has refused to make a ransom”

Its composition is still surrounded by mysteries. If some members work for foreign media, highly respected, many of them are freelance journalists who write for publications more confidential. “The studios, of course, don’t appreciate having to spend huge sums to meet the desires of a few tens of journalists in aging that we regularly hear snoring in our projections, but given the importance of the Golden Globes, they do not see how to put an end to this masquerade,” charges the complaint.

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It refers in particular to a press trip organised by Disney in a five-star hotel in Singapore last year. The complainant Kjersti Flaa has presented its candidature to be a member in 2018 and in the past year, but twice it has been rejected. She complains that journalists scandinavian to be opposed to his entrance, although it meets the criteria presented by the association to be a part of it.

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The HFPA, who is said to have sought in recent years to attract younger members, has responded by rejecting these accusations, as reflections of “repeated attempts to undermine” the organization according to it. The association hollywood foreign press “has refused to ransom and told Mrs. Flaa, becoming a member does not by intimidation,” says the HFPA.