take A trip around the world. A property with a partner. Children who go home by themselves to live in. Over the years, many things change in your life. The changes that will request that you have your insurance policies once and for all to check. Because you have to actually have enough coverage?

These are the times when it makes sense to get your insurance is to take a look at.
1. If you’re going to be living together,

you and your partner, the good news is that you’re going to be living together. Like do you get along woonboulevards, but living together means also to take a look at your insurance policies. Are you all the way to insurance fit?

you can Check together if you have the following assurances, that:

home insurance and household contents Insurance, travel insurance, legal expenses insurance Liability insurance Accident < / p> it Turns out that you are double insured? One of the insurance companies to cancel and sign up in the other insurance policy. For example, if both of you have an insurance company to have it.

Important note: if you have all your insurance policies with a single insurer to lodge, you can prevent some damages that are nowhere to be assured. In the Living VrijeTijdpakket of its you can find everything in a property , home, liability, legal protection, accident, and good travel insurance. If you want to have a contents insurance policy, but is not a legal expenses insurance? Not to be a problem. You have to decide what kind of insurance you have, and don’t add it to the package.
2. If you have a child, will get,

There is a new family member coming along. In addition to setting up the nursery, it is also important to take your child along to help you. Please enter any changes in your household, always have your adviser or the insurance company. It’s good to know: if Aegon is all you need for the birth of your first child to give up. It doesn’t matter how many kids you have.
3. If you have a long trip and are going to make it,

the time has Finally come: after years of substantial saving if you go for a long trip to make. Perhaps, however, the United States, the far Australia. Before you travel, it is advisable to get your travel insurance with you to check-in. It fits the coverage when you travel.

for example, If you frequently travel, you can choose to have a standing charge. And, do you travel outside of Europe. Check if you have a throughout the world need. We have the allriskdekking of the Aegon is a Continuous travel insurance is a world, and travel cancellation insurance.
4. If you have children in your home

the pain in your heart, you will see that your children are out of the house to study. What is this going to have an impact on your insurance?

The amount of your premium will change if you have children in your home. Sometimes they are living away from home, students included. This means that you get the items from the dorm room can be meeverzekeren. So Check out how your taken care of.

do you Have any students (any more)? They will no longer be with you in court when they’re out of the house. Don’t forget to pass it on to you, the consultant or the company, as this makes a big difference in the premium.
5. If you and your partner split up,

Unfortunately, life is not always easy. It may be that you and your partner are after a number of years to decide to break up.

for example, If all of the insurance policies in your name, you can get the members of your household, and to tailor coverage to. If you’re the partner who has issued the insurance policy? To connect with new insurance policies that will fit in the new environment.

The Policy-Fit and Check, and make sure that you have a life-long, well-insured, < / p> your family, Your home, your luggage and everything which is valuable, if you want to protect it. Therefore, Check if your insurance is still up-to-date.

in Order to make sure that you are well assured of Aegon’s Insurance-in Fit-Check. In this document the major life events on the map and you will find helpful tips and advice.

if you Want to have all your insurance taken care of by one company, so you can make sure that you have all the right coverage for you. The Living VrijeTijdpakket of the year. This package includes the house and contents , dwelling, liability insurance, rechtsbijstands, accident, and good travel insurance.

now You have to decide what kind of insurance you have, in the packet capture. And in the meantime as well, you can, insurance, and add or cancel.