It is quiet so far. Only 32, through laboratory tests confirmed cases of influenza nationwide may have been recorded in the current, a weekly published report on the situation of the current season. The officially begins with the 40. Calendar week, even if the number of Influenza disease experience increases in accordance with only a couple of weeks later, significantly above the low normal level.

among the instruments of the Influenza-Preparedness of the authorities charged, under the auspices of the Berlin-based Robert Koch Institute ( RKI), the country-wide samples from certain, spread all over the country the doctor practices in which people with acute respiratory illness have to be dealt with. Because the real flu is primarily a fever-inducing attack of the virus on the lungs. In none of the samples were investigated in the framework of the early warning system, however, could be detected Influenza pathogen.

“The flu-algorithm” Ingeniously explains: as simple As the common cold and flu, you can distinguish

The flu is not about. Also, the number of practices reported acute respiratory illness is not even 100 per week in a inconspicuous area. All is well so? And why, then, nevertheless calls for the vaccination, especially since the doesn’t help against the quite common colds with a sore throat, a runny nose and a cough? This Malaysia go back eventually in a very different virus than the flu.

Similarly quiet as now, it was a year ago, although already in the 40. The calendar had been tested for week three of the samples positive for Influenza B viruses. A clear warning, as we now know, at the time, but still too weak to be heard. This would not have helped much, because the vaccines were already in the pharmacies.

flu season 2017/2018 called for hundreds of deaths

Around the turn of the year, a wave of Flu was followed by then, so violently, as she was in this country not to have been long observed. Because of complaints that went to an Influenza back, it came in Germany to an estimated nine million doctor visits, two million more than in earlier severe epidemics. In about 45,000 cases, of going to the doctor led directly to the hospital. For 1287 patients in the laboratory confirmed influenza infection ended fatally. The actual number of victims, however, such as experts from the Standing Committee on vaccination to the RKI, is likely to be ten times higher because most cases are not recorded centrally.

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the Name of The sage plant derives from the Latin word “salvare”, so it’s starting to heal. In fact, the Plant has antibacterial and inhibits the growth of viruses and fungi. To anti effect Sept decongestant, and vessel is yet to come-sealing characteristics, contained in the essential Oil thujone has an analgesic effect. The experts of the Commission E, an expert panel for herbal medicines, rates for mouth and throat inflammation, therefore, to gargle with sage tea.


? A teaspoon of dried sage leaves pour half a Liter of boiling water.

? leave for Ten minutes and the tea strain. Celtabet

? gargle several Times a decay every day until the discomfort.


Unusually, too, the length of the last season was. Only after 15 weeks – beginning April – was the same, this wave of Flu. And there is a peculiarity came about: About 70 percent of the at this time proven viruses belong to the Influenza-type B, not type A, against the in the season usually fight. Influenza-A-virus apply because of their compared with the B-variant is more pronounced mutability, and the resulting variety of pathogen strains as a particularly dangerous. All of the devastating Disease outbreaks, which have cost the “Spanish flu”pandemic, exactly one hundred years ago millions of lives, decreased as a causative agent of the Influenza-A. In the past season, however, a B-Virus strain-dominated suddenly Happen. Although he was not nearly as violent as the Virus in 1918/19. But it hit an unprepared population. The annual re-assembled and up to the 2012/13 season alone available vaccines three components in addition to two A-strains containing a B strain. In the past year, but that was the wrong: a representative of the Victoria – instead of the Yamagata line. Since the 1970s, there are these two genetically distinct families of B-virus, after they had previously shown little conversion potential and, therefore, largely homogenous remained.

then, in the autumn and Winter of last year, a strain of the Yamagata-line spread, and the flu epidemic quickly dominated, were in this country, even most of the Vaccinated unprotected. Only those who had the luck to get one of the as yet little-used, and also more expensive Four-way vaccines, developed in the immune system is the shield against influenza viruses of the Yamagata line. In the vaccination program, recommended by the world health organization, according to corresponding developments in the southern hemisphere already. However, since the mass production of the vaccines will take in chicken eggs for months, and even months pass away, until all cans are delivered, could not be in a sufficient amount effective preparations are made.

flu-2018 – of the funds pay the cost for the Four-fold-to know the vaccine is Good honey Helps fight a cough? By Ilona Kriesl

this year is different. The increasing danger due to Influenza B viruses was promptly met by the fact that worldwide Four vaccines recommended for use with two B-lines and now also in far larger quantities than previously were produced. In Germany, the German Standing vaccination Committee advised at the RKI in November 2017 General to the Fours. This attitude is now also the statutory health insurance funds. You take it from the start of the season for the first time, the cost for the more comprehensive protection. Depending on the respective Fund that applies at least for the RKI reported at-risk groups. These are especially people over the age of 60. Years of age, Pregnant women from the second Trimester, people with “Illnesses” such as Asthma or other chronic diseases, as well as the residents of retirement and nursing homes. A number of funds, the vaccination but also for all the others.

The willingness to get vaccinated, not infection physicians, however, far from satisfied, even to his own Guild. About two-thirds of the Doctors are vaccinated against the flu. The nursing staff and therapeutic Professions, however it is only a third. Similar to poor the rate at the Older than 60. Also, you only about every third protects against Influenza. After all, the severe wave of Infection of the past winter seems to have at some of the a rethink transported. Because suddenly, Influenza was not just a theoretical possibility, but also met a self, family members or work colleagues.

So after all, 43 percent of the total population, according to a recently published representative online survey this year, ready to be vaccinated. In the case of the people over the age of 60. Years of age, the rate is 58 percent. However, only the statistics of the coming year will show what has become of these good intentions finally, and also whether or not the vaccines will now be used for start-up were mixed at the end of season correctly.