Every sixth German drinking too much alcohol to the detriment of his health. This is from the new drug and addiction report, in 2018 the Federal government, which was yesterday presented in Berlin. Even if the Per capita consumption has decreased in the past years, alcohol is consumed too often and, above all, to mindlessly, warned Marlene Mortler, drug Commissioner of the Federal government. “We need to change this because for Many, alcohol represents a real Problem.“

the Interview itself, try A year without alcohol – so-strong me, the experience changed By Ilona Kriesl

As the report shows, drinking, men, more alcohol than women. Around 18 per cent of men and 14 percent of women have a hazardous alcohol consumption. But when drinking alcohol is risky? As dangerous it is when men drink more than 20 grams pure alcohol per day. In women, the limit in half of the runs, 10 grams of pure alcohol.

Risky enjoyment starts with small, manageable quantities

10 grams is the same as pure champagne alcohol 0,25 liters of beer, or a glass. Men drink, for example, more than 0.5 liters of beer a day, your consumption as risky. In the case of women it would be from 0.25 Liter of beer or a glass of the case of champagne.

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For men, the risky consumption has declined in the last 20 years, easily, in the case of women, however, largely remained constant. Especially in Hamburg, women resort to often to the bottle. 16.7 percent of women drink dangerous lot. The risky consumption is widely used in the high social status group was the highest.

Risky alcohol consumption by women by provinces (more than 10 grams of pure alcohol per day)

Hamburg16,7 ProzentBerlin16,0 ProzentBayern15,3 ProzentHessen15,3 ProzentNiedersachsen14,4 percent of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern14, percent of Baden-Württemberg13,9 ProzentSaarland13,9 percent Rheinland-Pfalz13,7 ProzentSachsen13,5% Schleswig-Holstein13,5 percent of North Rhine-Westfalen12,8 ProzentBremen12,6 ProzentThüringen12,0 per cent, Saxony-Anhalt10,6 ProzentBrandenburg9,4 percent

source: Drug and addiction report, 2018

For the men, there is no noticeable accumulation in certain social status groups. Especially in Thuringia (22.7 percent), Saxony (22.6 per cent) and Berlin (22.3 per cent) males risky, often to the bottle.

According to the report on drugs and addiction the consumption of alcohol carries not only health risks, but also the economic damage is substantial: The direct costs due to diseases, maintenance or accidents, per year of nine billion euros.
