The reintalanger hut in the Wetterstein mountains is a particularly beautiful house. What do Bitcoins, Latte Macchiato and a master butcher with the cottage.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Charly Wehrle, 69, and his Hiking boots in the mud. It’s raining, his white-gray hair blowing slowly in the Wind. On a Hiking trail in the Wank in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, he discussed with Stephanie’s voice over the massive reintalanger hut on the mountain, at the foot of the Zugspitze. His silver Hiking poles he stomps into the moist soil. the “The consumer behaviour of mountain tourists has to> stop”

Charly Wehrle was 24 summer at the cottage

Charly Wehrle, actually, master butcher, farmer’s hut. Just like Stephanie’s voice, 51. It manages the reintalanger hut for three years. Charly Wehrle had before. 24 summer long. Today we have a small Tour to the Pine Lodge on the Roll, the in 1912, reintalanger hut is still open. The season only begins on December 25. May.

Charly Wehrle is in Garmisch-Partenkirchen an Institution, the “uncrowned king of the Wetterstein”. Stuiben and the oberreintal hut he managed. the From 1986 to 2009 he was a tenant of the powerful reintalanger hut. “As long as no one,” says Wehrle. For some years the Allgäuer mountain guest hosted on the Frederick-Simms-Hütte in the Lechtal Alps in Austria.

Next to him is Stephanie’s voice. A tall woman with long brown hair, friendly Smile, Werdenfelser dialect. Since 2016 is tenant of the reintalanger hut. Prior to that, she was a hut, a stranger, without any experience. With her husband Michael led her in front of it, the vegetable and fruit trade in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, supplying the huts of Wehrle. So the two hosts met.

+ Stephanie’s voice and Charly Wehrle discuss the case of coffee and beer on the mountain, tourists, and E-Bikes.©Max Wochinger

E-Bikes – Yes or no?

tuner and Wehrle are different two of the same wood, anyway. The crucial question for the mountain scene shows the. E-Bikes – Yes or no? Charly Wehrle is angry when he thinks about the electric bike. He finds: he Who has no experience in the mountains, in the Alps. Charging stations located at mountain huts? the “nonsense” , he says.

voice ticking slightly differently. “Clearly, E-Bikes are more on the reintalanger hut,” she says. For the part kirchenerin but that is okay. It is nice that many older and physically weaker people can be in the mountains, she says, and looks at a small waterfall beside the path.

more Than 10 000 overnight Stays

The rush to your cabin is enormous, says tuner. A third more mountain tourists than in 2016, you have. Annually, come together over 10 000 Nights . To Wehrles best of times, it 8500. This was also for the reintalanger hut record: As the Cult of the Manager took over, it was not even 3000 Nights.

Only 13 farmers have applied in 1986 to the hut, he says. As of 2016, the cottage newcomers Stephanie and Michael tuner have committed to the hut, it was over 100 applicants . “On a hut host an enormous administrative avalanche to come today,” said Wehrle. He tells of hygiene standards, kitchen rules, and personnel administration. “Every hour of a mini-jobbers I need to document,” says tuner. This is the 1369 meters of altitude is not different than in the valley. The cabin itself has not changed in all the years. With a tuner, only a new hot-air oven in the kitchen came as well as an electronic cash register system. Pen and paper for operation, such as in the case of Wehrle. Speaking of the kitchen: A few dishes are more’s, since the tuner has taken the reintalanger hut. “I used to be just Kasseler with sauerkraut, meat loaf, noodles and Fry,” says Wehrle. There are now on the reintalanger hut even cheese dumplings. “a lot of work,” says Wehrle.

The guests expect more and more

guests will always expect more, say both hosts. With coffee, many visitors are no longer satisfied. It should then be at least Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato or iced coffee. “Many guests ask for too much,” says the Cabin owner. Not only culinary. Continuous hot water, power for Smartphones, a garbage disposal: “The expectation of a mountain cabin is too big,” says tuner. A huge problem is the plastic debris . “Nobody understands that we need to fly the garbage with the help of a helicopter into the valley.” Even in the cracks in the wood of the benches a few visitors hide their garbage.

+ Together, they are strong: Stephanie tuner kids with help on the reintalanger hut.©N. Baumgartl

guests rain on the hut

A quick look Online shows forums, what are the innkeepers with the expectations of the guests say: “no mirror”, “no pancake”, “selection of food is very low” , “Sleep, I think too tight”. Nothing some of the guests of the Reintalanger not to get upset.

tuner can tell a lot of stories. Guests who wish to pay by card, after the cigarette machine questions, or even bitcoin the beer, try the invoice. “One has actually asked this before,” she says, “whether there is a gas station nearby to withdraw cash.”

tuner man died in a mountain accident

The two hosts can reach the new fir hut, which was only opened last year. Under an umbrella, take a seat on the terrace. “After this season, I’m quitting the hut,” says tuner. For you alone the responsibility of it was too big. In the past year, her husband died in a tragic mountain accident in the vicinity of the reintalanger hut. “Much too early for the Michi is gone,” says Wehrle.

Alpine club is 150 years old

employees, some of Wehrles times, were like family for a tuner. You have your close up helped. “This is what makes the cottage,” says the huts-Boss. the “This Cohesion, this energy.” Charly Wehrle has shaped the reintalanger hut 33 years ago with the family-like atmosphere, says a voice. This has not changed until today. If much else has changed.