They are, however, “strictly supervised,” said Insee, while the subject is recently back in the news with positions divergent even within the executive.

The ethnic statistics exist in France. They are, however, “strictly supervised,” said the Insee on Friday, when the topic recently came in the news with positions divergent even within the executive.

Contrary to received ideas, “the official statistics produced ethnic statistics,” stressed the institute in a blog post, referring to “an ancient practice, framed and scalable”. “Data and studies of great wealth, are available on the subject of immigrants and their descendants, covering a variety of domains of social life”, reminds us in this post the public body.

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These statistics, based primarily on “nationality at birth and country of birth of persons” and their family members, “used to reveal the diversity of the population, to measure inequalities, sometimes discrimination”, he adds.

Insee takes for example the census of population, which “collects the nationality of the people,” but also the “employment surveys”, published each quarter, and for which more than 100 000 people are systematically surveyed. These surveys include questions on country of birth and nationality” but also “people who live under the same roof, and parents of the respondents,” insists the statistical institute.

No repository “ethno-racial”

To go beyond these objective criteria, the statisticians also have the chance for a few years to query their interlocutors about their “feeling of belonging”, in the framework of the investigation “Trajectories and origins” (Teo).

All of these statistics are, however, “strictly supervised,” said Insee. The constitutional Council has stated in recent years the limits that it intends to enforce the aspects of “ethnic” questionnaires. In addition, the national Council for statistical information (CNIS) remains “very attentive to propose investigations adapted to the evolution of the company and to refrain from any repository ‘ethno-racial'”, he adds.

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The former spokesperson for the government Sibeth Ndiaye had suggested in mid-June to reopen “in a way that soothed and constructive debate on ethnic statistics”, in order to improve the “fight racial discrimination”. His proposal met with opposition from several ministers, including Gérald Darmanin, but also of the Rassemblement national (RN). The Elysée was said on his side “in favour of concrete action” against discrimination, rather than of such statistics.

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The collection and processing of data known as “sensitive”, as “membership in ethno-racial real or supposed”, in theory, be banned in France, unlike anglo-saxon countries, where targeted policies and quotas are allowed. But the law allows exceptions “for purposes of historical or scientific research”.