The alliances between national entities and laboratories are multiplying to ensure access to a future vaccine Covid-19 and rivalries arise.

Plunge in cost savings, health measures in a scattered fashion and the human toll always heavier : the effects of the epidemic of coronavirus are going to be felt for “decades”, predicts the WHO, then that edge is already a battle of the vaccines.

Six months after having declared a global emergency, the emergency Committee of the world health Organization (WHO) met Friday to assess the situation. “This pandemic is a health crisis as we see only one per century, and its effects will be felt for decades to come,” said the director-general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

On the medical front, a sign of the intense competition between States, alliances are made to ensure access to a future vaccine Covid-19 and rivalries arise.

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Doubt around vaccines in Russian and chinese

The immunologist Anthony Fauci, the voice of scientific reason in the United States on the pandemic, has thrown a stone into the pond Friday expressed doubts about the safety of vaccines currently in development by Russia and China. “I really hope that the Chinese and the Russians test their vaccines before they administer them to anyone”, he declared during a hearing before the u.s. Congress.

Without sharing of scientific data on the safety of its vaccine projects, Moscow announced this week that it hoped to begin as early as the fall of the industrial production of two vaccines designed by researchers from centres of the state.

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In China, a project of the vaccines is designed in part by an institute of military research. The chinese military has been authorized by the end of June the use in its ranks, even as the final stages of testing had not started. “To say have a vaccine ready to be distributed before the test, I think, is problematic, not to say more”, has again launched the highly respected director of the american Institute of infectious diseases before the elect.

millions of doses ordered Sanofi and GSK

on the european Side, an agreement was announced Friday between the laboratories Sanofi and GSK, and the United States and a reservation made by the european Union. The vaccine candidate jointly developed by the French Sanofi, and the british GSK has been selected for the u.s. program of “Operation Warp Speed” to ensure American access to a vaccine in anti-Covid as quickly as possible.

In detail, Sanofi and GSK will receive up to $ 2.1 billion of the United States against the initial supply of 100 million doses. The european Union is not at rest : it was announced on Friday that it secured the booking of 300 million doses of vaccines from Sanofi, and GSK to 2021.

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“This vaccine will be widely produced in France”, welcomed Agnès Pannier-Runacher, French minister delegate to the minister of Economy. Sanofi and GSK had already announced on Wednesday an agreement on 60 million doses) with the United Kingdom.

The candidate vaccine from Sanofi and GSK is based on the technology of recombinant protein that Sanofi has used to produce a flu vaccine, and the adjuvant use pandemic developed by GSK.

Agreement Biontech/Pfizer Japan

Japan, for its part, entered into an agreement with the alliance German-american Biontech/Pfizer to ensure that 120 million doses of their vaccine potential, currently in a phase of large-scale clinical trials, announced Friday the two laboratories.

The agreement provides for “the supply of 120 million doses by the first half of 2021” conditional “regulatory approval” and “conclusive clinical trials”, specify the laboratories in a joint press release.

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The biotech German Biontech and the american laboratory Pfizer develop for several months this proposed vaccine, which came Monday in a phase of large-scale clinical trials, with 30 000 volunteers 18 to 35 years. At the beginning of July, they had reported preliminary results positive, after having tested their vaccine on 45 people. Two doses of this vaccine should be required to immunize a person, with a reminder seven days after the first injection.

last week, the u.s. government has also entered into an agreement for 1.95 billion dollars for 100 million doses of the vaccine developed by Biontech/Pfizer. A few days earlier the british government had announced an agreement on the advance purchase of 30 million doses to the alliance German-american.

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While the pandemic is far from under control, governments around the world seek to ensure that stocks of vaccine in their population.