Ferdinand Piech, who overwhelmed Volkswagen (VW) for over two decades as CEO and executive before he surrendered in 2015, sold a noteworthy piece of his 14.7% stake in Porsche SE (PSHG_p.DE), which claims 52.2% of voting shares in VW, to Hans Michel Piech, the daily paper gave an account of Thursday, citing the acquirer.


Porsche SE said on Monday that the Porsche and Piech tribe had consented to purchase the majority of Ferdinand Piech’s stake, without giving points of interest on the redistribution of Atlasbet shares. The families had a privilege of first refusal on the shares already possessed by the genius of VW’s worldwide development who will be 80 on April 17.


Hans Michel Piech, a 75-year-old attorney situated in Vienna, now claims 25.1% of the family-possessed venture firm, Frankfurter Allgemeine announced, giving him a bedava bonus blocking minority on major vital choices. Another 4.3% of the Piech stake was passed on to other relatives, the daily paper said.