Carpenter, who depicted Buffy Summer’s (Gellar) high school rival and later buddy Cordelia, released a lengthy announcement via social media on Wednesday, February 10, accusing Whedon, 56, of inappropriate conduct while focusing on Buffy.

“For nearly two years, I’ve held my tongue and made explanations for certain events which traumatize me to this day,” the Lying Game alum, 50, began her post. “Joss Whedon abused his power on numerous occasions while working on the sets of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. While he found his misconduct amusing, it merely served to intensify my performance stress, disempower mepersonally, also alienate me from my peers. The disturbing incidents triggered a physical condition from which I still suffer.”

Carpenter maintained that Whedon, who had been accused last year by Ray Fisher of unprofessional behavior whilst doing reshoots for its Justice League in 2017, has a”history of being cruel. He has created hostile and toxic work environments because his early career. I know because I experienced it first-hand. Repeatedly.”

She subsequently detailed her alleged interactions with the showrunner, claiming he left”continuing, passive-aggressive threats to flame me, which wreak havoc on a young actor’s self-esteem. And callously calling me’fat’ to coworkers when I was four weeks pregnant, weighing 126 lbs.”

The Las Vegas native revealed that she”felt powerless and alone” during her time on the show, stating,”with no other alternative, I swallowed the mistreatment and carried on.”

After going to therapy and seeing the #TimesUp movement take over Hollywood, Carpenter decided to share her story. “These memories and much more have weighed on my soul such as bricks for nearly half of my life,” she continued. “I need I said something earlier. But I chased myself in shame and conditioned silence”

Gellar, 43, spoke out about the allegations on Wednesday, saying in an Instagram statement that she stands with”all survivors of abuse” Behind. The. Scenes.”

Scroll down to find out who in the Buffy throw has spoken from the show’s founder in support of their fellow costars.

“CC, my heart aches for you and I’m so sorry you’ve held this for so long. Your article was strong, painful, and painted a picture we will jointly never un-see or un-know,” Dushku, who played Faith on Buffy and Angel, wrote in an Instagram statement on February 11. “Thank you. I had not known it and that I won’t overlook it. I frequently think of the expression,’We are as sick as our secrets.’ Our secrets really keep and make us ill .”

She continued:”What I am learning more and more — and have personally found many precious — is that profound healing can only come from multiplying and demonstrating what actually occurred, the essential first step (when someone’s prepared ) to freeing ourselves from our secrets, untold truths that have kept us isolated, ashamed, and held hostage.”

The Bring It On actress, 40, clarified that”neglecting to’name’ the power/gender/sexual/racial abuse epidemic” in the entertainment industry and society in general”empowers the abusers and just emboldens and ultimately fortifies abusive systems” She concluded by thanking Carpenter for her”courage” and willingness. “From courage, come change and hope. It starts and will end because of courageous truth-tellers like you.

Anthony Head
“I have been up most of the night just running through my memories ‘What did I miss?'” Head, who played Buffy’s mentor Giles about the show, stated during an interview with ITV’s This Morning on February 11. “And this isn’t a man saying,’I didn’t see it, therefore it did not happen.’ It’s just, I’m gutted, I am seriously gutted, since among my thoughts, my fondest memories of Buffy, was that the fact that it was so empowering, not just in the words of the script, but the family feel of the series.”

The British actress, 66, voiced that he’s angry to learn of his costars’ allegations against the show’s creator, noting he wished they’d have told him sooner. “I’m really sad if people went through those experiences that they didn’t — I was a type of like a father figure and I would hope that someone would come to me and say’I am fighting’ or’I just had a dreadful conversation,'” Head said. “Admittedly the first article by Charisma was once she had been working on Angel and I was long gonebut there are other posts subsequently which are making me think,’How on earth did I not know this was going on?'”

Sarah Michelle Gellar
“While I am proud to have my name associated with Buffy Summers, I do not need to be forever connected with the name Joss Whedon,” that the Ringer alum wrote via Instagram on February 10. “I’m more focused on raising my family and surviving a pandemic now so I won’t be making any further statements. I stand with all survivors of abuse and I am proud of them for speaking out”

Michelle Trachtenberg
I am brave enough now as a 35 year-old woman…. To do so. Because. This has to. Be understood. As a teen. Together with his not proper behavior…” She then commented on her own photo, writing,”You. Are my stone!! What he did was really bad. But we triumph. By surviving!”

Amber Benson
“Buffy was a toxic environment, and it begins at the very best,” Benson, who played Tara on the series, tweeted. “@AllCharisma is talking truth and that I support her 100%. There was lots of harm done during this time and several of us continue processing it twenty plus years afterwards. #IStandWithRayFisher #IStandWithCharismaCarpenter.”

Carpenter responded to her message on February 10, composing,”I love you. Your courage and support has turned out to be a powerful inspiration and secure haven.”

Charisma Carpenter
The Veronica Mars alum maintained in her lengthy announcement on February 10 that Whedon had been”mean and biting, disparaging about others publicly, and frequently played favorites, putting people against one another to compete and vie for his attention and approval.” She alleged that he once called her into”interrogate and berate me seeing a rosary tattoo that I made to help me feel more spiritually educated in an increasingly volatile work climate which affected me .”

She detailed her alleged mistreatment about the Buffy set, claiming when she informed him she was fortunate that he allegedly”asked me if I was’going to keep it’ and manipulatively weaponized my womanhood and religion against me.” She added:”He proceeded to attack my personality, mock my religious beliefs, accuse me of sabotaging the show, and then unceremoniously dismissed the subsequent season once I gave birth.”