In this image, only one element is not an “A”. Can you find it in 20 seconds flat?

20 seconds is the time required to succeed in this little exercise which combines observation, attention to detail, concentration and speed. Optical illusion games are excellent tests for memory and vision by stimulating your brain and its ability to quickly distinguish the smallest details. This one is no exception to the rule.

Of course, you see “A’s”, a lot of “A’s” in this image but know that another element is well hidden. He’s the one you need to find in just 20 seconds. You are ready ? Here is the image in question:

Not easy ? The colors in the background are just there to confuse your brain and confuse your powers of observation. Only one solution to counter this little trap: be methodical. Here are some tips to help you: start with an overview, quickly scan the image starting from a fixed point, for example at the top left and then sift through the image. Then, concentrate on a part of the image, for example the lower part on the left, then try another part. This is how you will give yourself the best chance of finding the solution to this little puzzle.

You found ? Congratulation. If not, it’s time to move on to the solution. Here is the image again, this time with the solution circled in red by the site Fresherslive who proposed this little challenge:

Congratulations again if you found the solution in less than 20 seconds, the task was particularly tough this time. Do not hesitate to challenge your friends by sharing the article via the button below or to comment on your performance on our Facebook page indicating the time taken and your comments on this little game. Too easy, too difficult? Tell us too via the poll placed on this page!