A Schlehdorfer family from the middle class finds itself suddenly in the homelessness again. The case shows once again how serious the housing shortage in the Region.

Schlehdorf Solid Job, two kids, an apartment on the Land: Until Recently, the lives of Anna and Friedrich K. (name looked changed) is still completely average, and stable. Homelessness was an issue that had not to do with your Situation in the Slightest. But now the couple is without a home. The case shows that A Problem that seemed to affect only the margins of the society and the larger cities, has arrived in the middle and on the Land.

family is suddenly homeless: a new beginning in Schlehdorf

they were advised “through no fault in trouble” and wanted to tell their story. With this concern, the couple K. is aimed at the editorial team of the Tölzer courier. What you report sounds to conflicts with neighbors and landlords, as is often the case.

With two daughters (now 18 and 16) moves the Pair of 2013 from another state to Schlehdorf, in a Three-room apartment with 95 square meters in a multi-party house. It is a new beginning, after Friedrich K. (50) profession was to become incapacitated. Now he has found a job in a technical career. The salary sufficient for the maintenance of the family.

family in Schlehdorf: Seven months is not enough to find a new apartment

But at some point, there is tension in the house. Dispute, Accusations. The K. s tell them the lease had been terminated with immediate effect. Justification: “Disturbing The Peace”. The family fights back. In may 2018, it is comes to the court hearing. The K.’s consent to a settlement. “We wanted to stay there anyway not to dwell”, they say. It is agreed to that the family up to 31. December off. To find seven months to a new apartment That should be enough, you will be convinced.

reality looks different. The end of the year approaches, but a new place to Stay in Schlehdorf and its surroundings is still not always found. Too far away, the K’s don’t want to. The younger daughter needs to achieve your training course in Murnau with public transport. The K.’s stay, not to see what is in store for them. The rent you have paid always on time. “We can demonstrate that we have asked for 85 apartments”, they say. Another 15 to 20 Offers, you would not even get a reply. Even on a flat purchase, you don’t think – decide but not fast enough.

Up to the last, the K. s are convinced that they are protected against forced eviction. However, at the 24. April stands the bailiff in front of the door and the truck. The K. s fall from the clouds. You feel a lawyer wrongly advised and informed. However, the Protest is of no use.

you need a new place to Stay. For the first pull to third in a hotel room in Kochel – the older daughter is now drawn to your friend. Family K. is desperate.

municipalities had little to do with the Problem

is required Before the K. family without a roof over your head is your home municipality, to provide for an Emergency placement. In the small Schlehdorf, this has occurred “in my time in office,” says mayor Stefan Jocher. The municipality had already been in contact with the family, to advertised flats pointed. “If you are gone, I don’t know,” says the mayor. The social project of the municipality with four apartments for the K.’s to late. It will only be ready in October.

the object of The prevention of homelessness overcome Schlehdorf, together with the Kochler neighbors in the administrative community (VG). Also Kochels mayor Thomas Holz says: “In the first six years of my tenure, I have had to do with this topic, hardly anything.” Today, there was soon to be a monthly event, where homelessness is threatened. The last means that the VG is available, is the placement in the temporary shelter in the old Verstärkeramt. There are two persons, for two months, the other for a long time. life, according to Nicole Lutterer, business Manager at city hall, so far After a short time in the Hotel is also family-K. come to that.

Robert Pölt, who works for Caritas in Bad Tölz in the area of assistance to the homeless, is the case of the family K. is not just commonplace – but it is also no longer of extreme rarity more.

family is suddenly on the road: to get a Job easier than an apartment

“homelessness has arrived in the middle class,” he says. Caritas have to do it again and again with people who have a job, are not in debt, own a car, but simply not flat to find. “In our district, it is definitely easier to get a Job as an apartment.” Whether it be families, young people or retirees: “All ages and classes of society are affected.”

whether It is symptomatic of the current housing shortage: people for whom the issue of homelessness was “very far away”, were suddenly affected. It always come back, that people long to an apartment that meets your needs, “poker”. And the rental market underestimate. “He who is not with the Problem still in contact with, say ,Seven months should be enough to find an apartment.'” However, especially in the lower to middle price segment there are “very few homes”. Particularly unfortunate it was when a tenant vacates his apartment, without having to have something New. “And then the day X comes, and the world collapses.”

see also: Alina (26) and Leon (21) lived in a car – now you have had enough of upper Bavaria

have falls With the loss of the apartment, often a whole card house. Not an apartment – this means no reporting address. “But many contractors hang, such as banks and insurance companies.” Whether of the court or the Jobcenter: Without a home, not a letter, in which you will receive important news can box. A possibility is, according to Pölt, that apartment, let loose your Post to the Tölzer Caritas centre send. What remains in this position to do? Pölt can Find to say is: “hope.”


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