This little game is formidable: only one snake hides among all the turtles.

It’s a fun puzzle, but don’t be fooled by the drawing worthy of children’s illustrations. Behind this image lies a formidable challenge that has caused many players to fail in recent months. Work of Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, this kind of “seek-and-find”, a popular game among young children, offers a unique challenge: finding a snake hidden among many turtles.

Some details are designed to mislead or distract you: you may notice that one of the turtles is wearing a hat, another has a big smile and lots of teeth… All turtles are green, but the shells have different shades of brown. As a result, the image can appear repetitive and disrupts our vision. The snake is all the better hidden.

Although some commenters were distracted by the turtles’ endearing expressions, others proudly shared their success after spotting the snake. “Found it! Excellent hiding place!” one fan commented on Facebook, while others pointed out their inability to find the little reptile. Based on the reactions, many players failed. Can you do better? Here is the famous image. To be one of the very best players, you must find it in 15 seconds. So, get your stopwatch ready and let’s go.

Not easy ? Focus on details. One particularity should not be forgotten: a snake is mainly distinguished from a turtle by… the absence of a shell of course! This could be an interesting clue. The Hungarian artist behind this drawing has enjoyed great success on social networks for many months or on his website His fun games appeal to a wide audience and create new publicity for his children’s illustration books.

Did you find the solution? You are not sure ? Here is a final clue: our little snake is distinguished from turtles by another particularity, its ophioglossus, that is to say its famous little tongue. This is starting to throw up a lot of clues and it’s time to move on to the solution. There she is :

Did you find it? Well done, the challenge was particularly high this time. Behind the game lies a real exercise in visual acuity and observation. It requires method, calm and observation.

Don’t hesitate to share your performance with your friends by clicking on the button below and challenge them to this visual acuity and observation challenge!