The Brexit is fuelling uncertainty for the Airlines. A collapse of the air traffic between the United Kingdom and the EU threatens?

Update from the 12. December: airline passengers and the industry must in the case of a non-UK leaving the EU apply in the spring, with serious disruptions in air traffic must be expected. Prior to that, the Airline Association IATA warns. “Without the Deal, we need to plan urgently for an emergency, but even that is probably barely enough to avoid short-term disruptions,” said Rafael Schvartzman, Deputy IATA-head of Region Europe, on Wednesday in Geneva.

Airline Association warns Brexit can the Chaos

The Association welcome the steps announced by the EU and the UK in the direction, but the Airlines needed to significantly more Details. But: “The Brexit for the industry is not good,” said IATA Director-General Alexandre de Juniac. Nevertheless, the Association expects for the industry as a whole, with high net profits.

Schvartzman, called on the negotiators of both sides to agree at least on the mutual recognition of licences, as well as safety and industry standards. Otherwise, you would need about act all pieces of Luggage of passengers through the UK to Europe trips, after the end of the British EU membership again through the security check, and long queues at the passport control would be inevitable.

Notwithstanding the uncertainty of the Association in 2019, anticipates the tenth of the net profit of the year in a row, a record in the history of the industry, such as chief economist Brian Pearce said. The Airlines are likely to make the 35.5 billion US Dollar (approximately € 31.3 billion) profit to 32.3 billion dollars this year. The number of passengers carried will increase from 4.34 to 4.59 billion, the growth rate go back from 6.5 to 6 percent.

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there will soon be no more flights between the EU and the UK?

article 7. December: The fact that a Brexit could cause damage not only to British but also almost all other airlines in Europe, including industry giants such as Lufthansa and Ryanair, raises the question of possible risks and consequences for the aviation industry.

breaking of the air traffic between the EU and the United Kingdom Threatened?

Worst-case scenario, a would be a complete collapse of the entire air traffic between the United Kingdom and the European Union . Economic damage in the millions, and thousands of passengers to the airports, beaches, would be the result. According to the Portal this possibility to be, however, very unlikely .

airlines such as Ryanair, Easyjet and British Airways, but also German holiday airlines such as Tuifly and Condor equip yet, so your machines do not have to stay at the end of March on the ground. “We must prepare ourselves to be in a Situation of political uncertainty on a No-Deal scenario ,” says chief of the Thomas Cook Airlines , Christoph Debus, compared to the German press Agency.

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Airlines with Brexit-clause in the General terms and conditions

If it comes to apply a non-Brexit, would be the United Kingdom on the 29. March 2019 from the EU and the common market retirement . British airlines could lose their right to fly for example from London to Frankfurt or Mallorca. Flights within the EU would be Bahis Siteleri a thing of the past. Besides, the policy of a transitional arrangement. Finally, flights by EU airlines to the UK would have to be regulated.

Some airlines , such as Ryanair, have added a Brexit-clause in your terms and conditions. This allows the low-cost airlines, the cancellation of flights, without that he can be made liable for this. According to experts ‘ opinions it will, however, likely to agreement, and this Worst-Case scenario does not occur.

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The biggest risk for the air traffic is , Britain to leave through the exit from the European Union and also the Open Skies agreement. Through the agreement, airlines can offer Connections between the two cities outside of their home country. As a British Airline, for example easyJet, the Route Paris – Copenhagen fly. A Brexit without agreements would have the consequence that the UK would have to negotiate with any member state of the EU separately, negotiations on landing rights.

flights between the UK and the USA find freely instead of

a point of clarity is already now : With the United States, which are also part of the Open Skies agreement was made in the past few weeks, an agreement, so flights between the UK and the USA, regardless of the expiration of the Brexits take place unhindered.

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