shooting stars in December 2018: in the middle of the month are seen in the sky over Germany, the Geminids. All information on the spectacle in the sky, you can find here.

Munich – in the Middle of the Christmas season, shooting swarms in the approach is one of the most magnificent Star. After first in November, the Leon enchanted ides Germany, reach in the night from 14. 15. December the Geminids Maximum. To see the in General of 4. until the 17th century. December, and the hands, quasi with the Ursiden. Under a cloudless sky then every hour dozens of meteors will be seen.

But what are the shooting stars the Geminids are actually where its Name comes, as you arise, when you are in Germany and where it has the best view of the Sky? In the Following, we will answer all of these questions.

Geminids in December of 2018: What are shooting stars?

The Geminids are one of the largest shooting star rave of the year. Nevertheless, they are iden mostly in the shadow of the much more well-known persons, go in the summer on the earth. The Geminids are less popular, especially at the Season of their occurrence: The cold, and often cloudy December weather Fans to shooting stars-now even more uncomfortable observation conditions as the balmy Perseids summer nights.

In contrast to the Perseids, the fascinate regularly in August, the star gazers, observing the Geminids is always for the whole night. And: These meteors are often bright and slow.

this year, you could see in Germany already, some shooting star swarms. In August, around the Perseid, and in October the Orionids and November Leonids.

how did Geminids shooting stars in December 2018, the name””?

The Geminids swarm is named after the constellation Gemini (Latin gemini) with its bright main stars Castor and Pollux, because the shooting stars from precisely this direction seem to fall. The common starting point of the meteor orbits, the astronauts refer to as the Radiant.

Geminids-meteors have unusual origins

The Snuffs come from, in truth, of course, a cloud of dust that crosses our earth on its orbit around the sun every year around the same time. The dust particles enter the earth’s atmosphere, they produce then the shooting stars, well-known light phenomena.

Unusually, the origin of the dust cloud, which is for the Geminids spectacle. In General, Meteor showers go back to the tiny Remnants of a comet – tail of stars, the set free at the approach to the hot sun, Gas and dust, which is then spread over the comet’s orbit. The Betgram origin of the Persian is, for example, halides, in the cosmic dust trail of the comet “Swift-Tuttle”, the chamber approximately every 130 years of the sun a visit. Otherwise, the Geminids cloud of dust: she’s not from a comet, and it goes back obviously to an asteroid – a rather solid small bodies in our solar system.

The Geminids is asteroid called Phaeton, and orbits the sun in approximately one and a half years. The Geminids have more features. The meteors of the current draw relatively slowly across the sky. The reason is the low speed with which the Geminids particle immersion in the atmosphere.

As a further characteristic of the Geminids in the hour of the shooting star, maximum, first, the light weaker and only at the end of the brightest meteors. Especially on these bright Geminids will be happy to see those who believe at the sight of a shooting Star to the fulfilment of a wish, especially in the run-up to Christmas.

shooting stars in December 2018: the Geminids from

Geminids in December 2018: when can I see you in the sky?

sky gazers can look forward to: next week, on the night of Friday, 14. December on Saturday, 15. December 2018 , reach the Geminids Maximum. Then will be seen in a clear sky every hour, dozens of meteors up to 120 shooting stars per hour are expected. This year, the bright moon doesn’t interfere in addition, the observation of the whipping points of light, because it is only on 22. December is a full moon, and January 15. December is still in the first quarter.

The best of observation conditions, there are thus around midnight – as the moon goes against 23.15 and only at 3.00 PM and again at its highest point.

Geminids in December of 2018: Where and how you can see the shooting stars?

To Watch the Geminids are the best dark places away from the cities . So, places with no artificial light and with good visibility. “If the view of the sky, that’s good enough,” says Sirko Molau of the Association of the star friends, which has its headquarters in southern Hesse Heppenheim.

However, the residents of large cities could, in clear weather luck. Because of the constellation Gemini, named swarm brings experience in accordance with a particularly large number of bright shooting stars seen in the sky over the light-flooded cities.

Who wants to photograph the Geminids in December, by the way, should mount a camera with a wide angle lens on a tripod and a long exposure choose.

How is the weather during the Geminids in December 2018?

As already mentioned, you can see the Geminids is logically the best under a cloudless sky. However, as the weather in Germany in the night from 14. December 15. December? According to the weather report on it could on 14. December currently, light snowfall. 15. December should it be cloudy. Depending on how therefore, the clouds, the sky, plenty of spots for shooting stars. Since it will take until then, but still something that can change the weather also. However, it will be according to the forecast for next week cold again. You should pack it, therefore, necessarily thick.

Always up-to-date you stay with our weather Ticker for Germany.

What are the shooting stars there are to see?

this year, the Ursiden are still in the calendar. The Maximum of these shooting stars in the night of may 22. 23. December expected. However, it is expected that only ten shooting stars per hour.
