In a secretly-recorded Video of the Austrian Vice-Chancellor, Strache spoke about a rearrangement of the media landscape, illegal party donations, and smear campaigns against political opponents.

Update from 17. May, 22.52 PM: the German Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, the conservative ÖVP is received after the election of a coalition with the FPÖ, declined to comment, according to a government spokesman on Friday to the Reports.

Opposition criticizes Strach: “this is The most Corrupt and most disgusting thing I’ve seen.”

22.00: Withstands Austria’s right-wing conservative government, this stress test? This is the Central question after the release of a video that brings the Vice-Chancellor and FPÖ-leader Heinz-Christian Strache in the highest distress. The Film has been playing the “mirror” and the “süddeutsche Zeitung” added. He shows how Strache in July 2017, a few months before the parliamentary elections, to be ready seemed to be to do with an alleged Russian Oligarch a Deal: you Support me, gets you in the case of a government participation of the FPÖ many public contracts.

The opposition social Democrats spoke of the “biggest political scandal of the Second Republic”. SPÖ Boss, Pamela Rendi-Wagner said: “It is time to bring this nightmare to an end. For the German Chancellor, Shortly, there is only one way: the way to The Federal President.“ She added: “The Video shows everything, says everything, and it’s very insightful. The road to illiberal democracy – for some, apparently, a Synonym for kleptocracy – planned was a long one.“

The Head of the liberal Neos Beate Meinl-Reisinger, explained to the

Pecencia and the Funke media group collaboration

Although Heinrich Pecina, founder of the investment company Vienna Capital Partners, is known The influence of the Kronen Zeitung to exercise or to control them, said Strache on the island of Ibiza: “you have everything, you have everything.” Pecina said that he had a long-standing business relationship with the spark group, but no influence. Also, the Funke media group denied that 2014 was a collaboration with the entrepreneurs.

Austria: Strache, is hoping for better election results by crowns-Takeover

at the time, as the two politicians are in Ibiza, the FPÖ in the polls to second place, however, the distance to number one and three was very low. Strache was of the opinion that the FPÖ could win with more medial support, the choice. “You tell her, if she brings the Kronen-Zeitung takes over three weeks before the election, and us to square one, then we can talk about everything,” he turned to Gudenus, the translated on Russian.

He was so obviously illegal activities. “Then you should start a company like Strabag. Because all the government orders, the get now, Strabag, get them then. (…) The First in a participation in Government, what I can guarantee today is: The Haselsteiner get no more jobs.“

Heinz-Christian Strache Russian orders did in fact go

The Austrian industrialist Hans Peter Haselsteiner, for many years head of the construction group Strabag, promises to be a sponsor of the liberal party Neos. Strabag is one of the largest construction companies in the country, about half of the orders come according to their own information from the public. Strache was, the alleged Russian prospect, you did in fact go to the Strabag-jobs. That would probably be illegal. At the request of the süddeutsche Zeitung, Strabag said that the number of state orders in recent years.

FPÖ Vice-Chancellor, Strache, wanted to smear campaign against political opponents to

During the election campaign in 2017, dirty stories were always about the political opponent launched. At the time, Straches spokesman said that the FPÖ was the only “clean Player”. The FPÖ-politician spoke in the Ibiza Video but about the alleged misconduct of the private lives of high-ranking politicians of the SPÖ or ÖVP foreign media pass: “Would we be able to organize a page of photos that we play over the a foreign country, would believe the other side, the other was’s, and then the nuclear war starts. We need to be able to make a page visible, so that the other strikes.“

Illegal donations for his party? Strache speaks about a known donor

Also on party donations for the FPÖ was spoken. “There are a few very Wealthy, the numbers are between 500,000 and one and a half to two million,” said Strache. In Austria, the party donations must be a minimum of 50,000 Euro immediately to the court of auditors reported. If the FPÖ has indeed received donations in the millions, would this need to be reported. Since 2012, the freedom party has notified the court of auditors, no major donation.

In the Video, bring Strache, a new, probably illegal, Form of the party donation to the game. It should be donated to a charitable organization instead of to the party: “The Association is a non-profit, which has nothing to do with the party. As a result, you have no messages to the court. This is a non-profit Association, with three lawyers. Of a Statute: Austria economic.“

the name of the Association, he says nothing, only that three lawyers were at the top. Strache declared in Ibiza, to have the relevant statutory provisions and the need for compliance with the Austrian law of procedure. Also, for “at most in party donations and donations to non-profit associations within the meaning of the respective Association articles of Association”.

Strache told more about known donor: “The donor, we have are idealists in the rule. The tax reduction want. Gaston Glock, for example, Heidi Horten (…) is an example. René Benko, who pays the ÖVP and the us, one of the largest estate agents in Austria, Novomatic pays all.“ However, none of the above is officially considered as FPÖ-donor known. You should have actually donated, this would have to be secret, and thus presumably done in an illegal way. All denied to have, on request, to the FPÖ donated.

Heinz-Christian Strache and the FPÖ had the item in front of the ORF to privatize

The politician said in the Video that he wanted to privatize the ORF: “we Would be in a participation in Government, we would be able to imagine, even to privatise a transmitter. (…) We could imagine to make the ORF completely new legs.“ The FPÖ and the public service ORF rubbed again and again. Recently, strache made for being thrown out of the ORF-presenter Armin Wolf strong: “There is a place to be in the lie news. These are the ORF and the Facebook profile of Armin Wolf.“ The FPÖ and the ÖVP are currently working actually on a new ORF-law.

Heinz-Christian Strache and Gudenus give to meet

The two leaders have given to the meeting in the Villa in Ibiza on request. It was a “private” Meeting in “a relaxed, informal and joyful holiday atmosphere,” said Strache. “The relevant statutory provisions and the need for compliance with the Austrian legal order it was pointed out to me in this conversation, all the topics several times.” This applies also to articles of incorporation for “any prospect of party donations and donations to non-profit associations within the meaning of the relevant Association”.

Strache added that he or his party had received “never any benefits” from these people or granted. “In fact, there was in addition to the fact that a lot of alcohol was served during the Evening, a high language barrier”, zitiertenSZ and mirror the FPÖ-politicians.
