Hartz IV measures to bring the unemployed in job search. However, tasks at the elementary school level for these “training” may not be a rarity.

Berlin – Puzzles, collect leaves and determine or tasks at the elementary school level to solve these and other pastimes seem to be referred to in some places, unemployment in Germany in the Wake of the Hartz IV measures as a “training” applied. This alleged instance of maladministration has brought a Tweet to the light.

The Post of a Twitter user by the name of Mila admits of doubt, whether or not Hartz IV measures are really helpful: The young woman posted a photo with a task, which should solve your mother in a training – it explains, at least in the Userin.

The level of difficulty of the depicted tasks is rather low. It comes, to label the pictures with the corresponding words. A picture of a cat: “cat”. A picture of a heart: “heart”. The next part of task: What word is written with tz? “Cat.” And stage three: “to write other words with tz, you know.”

Twitter user: Hartz IV-measure is pure humiliation

As “pure humiliation adult, intelligent people” called Mila, the Hartz IV measure of your mother. However, if your mother did not take the training part, threatened sanctions, writes the Twitter-user.

Also interesting: Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, defended the Hartz-IV-sanctions

the social network is currently, that Milas mother was probably not an isolated case. More than 3,000 Users have shared the Tweet, and about 800 comments. Some Twitter Users are reporting similar incidents. “It’s incredible… my husband was years ago in the Hartz-IV and had to collect in the forest leaves, gluing and determine,” reads a comment. “That’s right! I’ve experienced that myself already! The ridiculous reason school tests and nobody cares!“, writes another user.

Hartz IV-recipient should be in a training

puzzles Also experienced Miriam Müller, the name is actually different, has something similar. “In a measure, I should puzzle all day,” she tells the Huffington Post. The 44-Year-old is about 20 years old unemployed and feel from the office, humiliated, cheated on and treated “as if I were a stupid collect welfare, not human”. What exactly should you learn as you complete the Puzzle, have you asked the authority said the single mother of the website. The response of the office: It is first of all a question of, “is that job seekers learn to come on time and get up early.”

Miriam Müller gets up anyway, every Morning, early, because you must bring a small child to school on time, gives the action in the given case, however, a certain amount of irony. And another Twitter user keeps their Hartz IV-measure – to put it mildly – for a little misleading. “Directly after my Bachelor, it was explained to me, as I have to turn on a PC,” commented the Userin Milas Post. “Nothing is degrading for an educated Person than a Hartz IV measure.”

job centre staff get rewards for many of the mediated actions

Open the question of why job centres to offer such courses, which do not deserve their name, actually, apparently. A possible partial answer: As research of the “daily mirror” recently showed, the Jobcenter employees rewards, if you are looking for, if possible, to convey a many work measures.

In the case of Milas mother is the Headquarters of the Federal employment Agency has now been active. You want to check the facts of the case. “At the Moment we have no information about the backgrounds to the authenticity or origin of the Screenshots,” said a spokeswoman for the Headquarters of the Huffington Post.

The Twitter user Mila has not responded yet to the request of the employment office. The reactions of the many other Twitter Users, however, at least not suspect that the worksheet is just a Fake.

Hartz IV-recipients were also in the Talkshow “Maischberger” subject: FDP-Chef Christian Lindner expressed a controversial opinion.