On the 11. job fair Munich will get interested in 13 different Workshops answers to these and many other questions and tips, Tricks, and strategies for the next career can take step.

career orientation and job applications, offer a lot of challenges – for all there is on the 11. job fair Munich right Workshops. Eveline fire Hofer of EB Coaching and Steffi., for example, show, in their Workshops, how to do a suitable Job. Also, the renowned career coach, Sven Emmrich to this question and presents strategies, such as the SAHRA-formula, which also cover Letter and job interview to be a success. It must not always be the classic cover Letter with your CV shows the Start-up talent cube with its Smartphone App, with the help of unique Video applications create.

Job satisfaction increase

in Both the application as well as in the Job, self-marketing is an important tool. Walter Feichtner of a career coach in Munich shows the participants of his Workshops, how you market yourself the best and so future and current employers will be able to convince you of your potential. Also from a career coach in Munich Heike Dietzel. You shows Interested, the key points for a better Self and time management. In the case of Thomas shilling to Swiss Life Workshop participants learn on the basis of 12 rules-of-thumb techniques, to detect in salary negotiations, the needs of the counterpart and the Maximum for out.

With a “time-out” personally-more

Elke Dieterich of “Manager of people” to develop participants dive into the world of a consultant on time and learning, such as a so-called Social Sabbatical may be involved in the active work of life, and they can develop at the same time personally. The Playful and Practical is associated with the Workshops of Anna Donato. In the case of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, each participant from the popular block building one of his own model as an answer to the developed research questions and in the end the solution is quite plastic. Efficiency and creativity will be increased, and innovative approaches for specific challenges.

+ ©Marco Donato, Munich

Workshop 1

Sven Emmrich, Karrierehelden.de
“In 3 steps to your calling Find the Job suits you”
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 11.10 p.m.

“The convincing cover Letter – with the SAHRA-formula for success in the new Job”
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 13.00

“Why should we hire you? – The formula for success for the interview”
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 14.50 PM

talent cube
“On every Job in the world Video, you have to apply, so you your dream job!”
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 10.30 am, 12.20 PM and 14.10 PM

Workshop area 2

Walter Feichtner, Career coach München
“Successful self-marketing in the application process and in Job”
Saturday of the fair at 11.00 am

Heike Dietzel, Career coach München
“Effective Self – and time management. as the basis for success in the Job”
fair-Sunday, 13.30

Steffi, Aha Retreats
“How do I really want to work?” The question BEFORE the application. With Design Thinking one’s own (working)life
Saturday of the fair at 12.15 PM, fair-Sunday at 11.00 am

Elke Dieterich, Manager for people
“Social Sabbatical – More than a break”
fair-Saturday at 13.30, Fair-Sunday at 14.45

Eveline fire Hofer, EB Coaching | Training | consulting
“How to do YOUR Job to find your HP on the street bring!”
fair-Saturday at 14.45, fair-Sunday, 12.15 PM

Thomas Schilling, Swiss Life
“the(salary)negotiations to be successfully mastered, with the Harvard-concept”
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 16.00 p.m.

Workshop-level 3

Anna Donato, Creative Workshop Design
“lateral entry: First steps for new careers,” LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 11: 00 a.m.

“values-development for managers-candidate” LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 13.00

the “the need for Management to be happy in the workplace,” LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
fair-Saturday and Sunday at 15.00 PM

All the info for the 11. job fair in Munich at a glance:

fair dates
Saturday, 09. February and Sunday, 10. February 2019, respectively, from 10.00 to 17.00

exhibition venue
the MOC event and order center
Halle 1 Lilienthalallee 40 D-80939 Munich

3 Euro reduced 2 Euro

More information about the career Event in Munich

check list for the visit to the job fair

impressions of the job fair Munich 2018