The future of Germany looks far from rosy, at least if you Believe a comment in the “New York Times”.

New York – The Basel-teaching by the sociologist Prof. Dr. Oliver Nachtwey, with an article in the New York Times caused a stir. The Scriptures Nachtweys be translated into many languages, his book “The descent of society. About the rebellion in the regressive Modern“ received several prizes. Now he has written a commentary for the American newspaper, calling for attention.

Angela Merkel: Professor predicts Germany’s bleak future in the “New York Times”

In the opinion article Nachtwey prophesied that the withdrawal of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel for Germany will usher in the end of the stability. The scientist goes even further: Merkel’s retreat mark a deepening crisis of German politics. Your retreat is threatening the future of the whole European Union.

comment in the New York Times: Merkel’s successor will inherit a fragmented country

The Professor for social structure analysis, his commentary gave the dramatic title “It doesn’t matter who replaces Angela Merkel. Germany is broken.“ In English: “It is no matter who replaces Angela Merkel. Germany is at the end.“ The article was written immediately before Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was elected party Chairman of the CDU. The sociologist writes that the successor to Merkel’s “will inherit a divided party, and if Merkel doesn’t want to stand by their chancellorship until 2021 or even a splintered country.”

Nachtwey in the “New York Times”: German post-war order is destroyed

The political crisis in Germany go much deeper, so the Professor continued: “it goes back to an economic System that has resulted in stagnant wages and insecure Jobs.”

the original trigger for this crisis Nachtwey sees in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany: “the Erosion of The German post-war order – a strong welfare state, full employment, the possibility to level – has created a people that is open to the messages and movements that were previously relegated to the edge.”

+ Germany Is at the end? This is a comment in the New York Times claims, at least.©Reuters / Francisco Seco

Nachtwey is made concrete Fears as a trigger for xenophobia

To the end of his commentary refers Nachtwey on the refugee wave from the year 2015: “the Fears of The shrinking middle class also speed up the xenophobia.” Most of the people in Germany at the time, welcomed the immigrants, only a small part of the middle and working class would have rejected, according to the author. However, because parts of the population see no opportunities for advancement for themselves, and have developed a bitterness and dissatisfaction about the “old” parties, the Union and the social Democrats.

Also you might be interested in: Merkel and the Brexit-summit

Angela Merkel has underlined the Brexit discussions at the EU summit in Brussels, the will to reach an agreement with the UK, a renegotiation of the agreement with Superbahis London but rejected. “We want to have a very close partnership with the UK, because we have friendship, we feel the UK connected,” she said late Thursday night at the end of the first summit of the day.

Necessary a permanent the emergency regulation does not remain, if it come after the UK’s exit at the end of March 2019 to a solution of the border problem between the British Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Such as border controls and barriers can be avoided, is the decisive point of contention between the EU and the UK.

“If it requires a re-insurance, because we have not found in the transition phase, it is still enough rules, then we want to overcome this transitional phase of the Backstops quickly. And we will do our Utmost to create it,“ said Merkel.

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