a failure by The company Dahlhoff, with a million lawsuit against the municipality of Odelzhausen. The salad producer was drawn to the area because of the sewage treatment plants scandal of 2013 before the court and demanded compensation for damages, among other things, because he had to transport the wastewater by Truck to Augsburg.

in Front of the regional court of Munich II it came yesterday for the Muster of all the legal forces, as it formulated a process observer. Plaintiff, Alfons A. Dahlhoff, 74, entered balanced with two lawyers in the room, mountains of writings were on the table. The Patriarch of the company Dahlhoff Feinkost wanted to Odelzhausen 2.3 million Euro in damages from five defendants: the parish, the administration, community, Odelzhausen, as well as by three companies, which he had contracted to build a Vorkläranlage to his Odelzhauser branch. Dahlhoff wanted to have replaced the cost of the investment, the annual expenses for this purpose, as well as a temporary solution before. Moreover, he claimed back his money, the he cars for the transportation of its waste water via a load to a wastewater treatment plant in Augsburg have to shell out. However, since the three judges of the 11 played. Chamber. She dismissed the lawsuit in its entirety.

starting point of the process, the largest counter salad manufacturer has brought, is the scandal of the Odelzhauser wastewater treatment plant in July 2013 (we have reported a number of times). Because of the Overload of the institution had denied at the time of their service. And this, although the municipality had already known since August 2009, of an impending disaster. The result: Fecal and germs contaminated the Glonn. A disaster for the Ecosystem threatened – but as far as it did not in the end, as the river recovered. Dahlhoff was suspected to be for the accident responsible. Instead of the approved 1000 so-called Population equivalent Dahlhoff initiated according to a report from 3000 to 4000 in the system; water that was also starch. Only the dimensions make it clear: Dahlhoff Feinkost 90 000 liters of water consumed daily.

to take in December 2012 – shortly after the operation had been prompted to the company by the municipality, “procedural measures”. However, only half a year later, the company had acted effectively. In October 2013, finally, Dahlhoff submitted an application to build a own Vorkläranlage on the premises, close to the A-8.

After lengthy investigation, were sentenced in April 2016, two guilty by the district court in Dachau. The former Dahlhoff Manager Michael Zillner got a fine in the amount of 12 100 Euro for intentional pollution of Water, because he had to answer, that his company had initiated a lot of water. The former Odelzhauser mayor Konrad Brandmair had to pay because of negligent water pollution by omission 3850 Euro.

Alfonso A. Dahlhoff, the knotty commercial Patriarch of Westphalia, had put up a fight, always vehemently against the accusations. “It is factually proven that we are the sole polluter-pays”, so his Credo. The entrepreneur was in it, moreover, that he had to cart from August 2013, six weeks of daily waste water with tank trucks in Augsburg’s wastewater treatment plant. Rising finally, he charges against the municipality. These have a whopping up to April 2014 to approve the Vorkläranlage.

in December 2014, Alfons A. Dahlhoff said: “We have a damage compensation lawsuit against the municipality to prepare.” After countless pleadings between the plaintiff and the five defendants, the district court placed the yesterday morning of the main hearing. A quality attempt at the beginning of Dahlhoff proposed to the community of its demands, if this sink in exchange for its wastewater charges to 100 000 Euro. “Then the citizens would have had to co-Finance the waste water of the company. The“ Odelzhausens mayor Markus Trinkl.

After several hours of negotiation, the regional court of Munich II finally dismissed the lawsuit. The chamber had come to the conclusion that “the plaintiff’s presentation was insufficient to establish the existence of a Amtshaftungs-claim,” the court said in a press release. A detailed justification of the judgment follows. The judgment is not appealable. Whether Dahlhoff draws in the next instance, is uncertain. Alfons A. Dahlhoff yesterday was not reached for comment.