Actually, Peter ox kühn (39) wanted to save from Daglfing, only a couple of Euro, as he rose at the airport the S-Bahn. Legally, of course. But it was all very different.

Munich – “At the end, I was treated like a common black driver,” scolds the media designer Peter ox boldly. He walked into a trap set by the complex rules of the local public transport …

What’s happening? Oxen bold, the tariff zone of the Munich transport and tariff Association actually knows well. He drives more often in the city. So he bought the “deed day” with four other people at the airport, a group ticket. “This is, of course, much cheaper than a Single card,” he explains. His Plan: At the Marienplatz arrive, a day pass for the interior buy and the underground station. But that didn’t work!

“looked like a free kick wall for football”

than as an ox, bold on the S-Bahn dough Marienplatz arrives, he separates himself from the group and heading to the subway platform. The group continues on the original route – of course, with the group ticket. As ox boldly moved at the end of the escalator to the subway in the direction of the ticket vending machine, stop it about 20 inspectors. “You were standing directly in front of the ticket machine in the vicinity of the Baker. It looked like a free kick wall for football,“ recalls the 39-Year-old.

+ Since a Long time, the railway controlled by the passengers in groups to the outputs©Jantz

One of the control asks your him now, according to the map. “I’m at the vending machine behind you,” ox-bold and shows on the device. “Then I must now record their particulars,” is the answer. Ox boldly gets the usual black-and-driver-receipt: 60 Euro. “I’ve explained several times that I was with a group on the road,” he explains. “He could appeal”, he replied. Does the media designer. He downloads the App “DB fare recovery” for his Smartphone and starts a Chat. There he gets an offer: “My conversation partner suggested, to reduce the fee from 60 to 30 euros,” says ox boldly. “But I didn’t. I haven’t done anything wrong.“

also read: Munich pays 60 Euro because he brings his girlfriend to the Track: IF rider wants to rule abolish

the people in charge at the Deutsche Bahn. A spokeswoman: “The fare rules are clear. The passenger must be in the range from the platform barrier, only valid ticket on the way. And the we also recommend.“ Crazy: Everything would be correctly expired when the entire group dropped out, with ox boldly up to the ATM, gone and then more would be dangers.

MVG looks the same: “We recommend, as a group, stay together. Just so everyone has a valid Ticket. The requirement … of paragraph 6 of the MVV transport and tariff rules,“ writes a spokesman.

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But why a vending machine is then in the vicinity of the underground railroad, if you may enter Asyabahis this area only with a valid card? For this purpose, the Bahn, “The machine driving guests is available, which can for example go through your DB long-distance transport ticket is also S-Bahn and then the U-Bahn to travel.”

Peter ox bold is angry: “For me, the acts of warehousing, such as trails. The control would have had to leave your me only a few meters to the vending machine.“ He wants to move, if necessary even in court!

Hüseyin Ince

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