For him to stand on the fire Department in the first place: Christian Sydoriak was 18 years as a fire inspector in the North. Now his family has to take precedence.

Geretsried – As it has recently as much snow as in these days, Christian Sydoriak. In 2006, scooped Volunteer of the fire Department of the roofs in Geretsried. It argues today, 63 raised-Year-old immediately: “I was not at the top, I have only coordinates.”

Sydoriak is modest, considered these and the countless other fires, accidents, floods, storms, to which his life, disengaged, sober. Also the two badges of honor, the Silver cross of honor of the German firefighter’s Association and the plug-in cross of fire medal of honour of the interior Minister, he has to get awarded, are not so important to him. “I have not achieved all of this with others, I like to self in the foreground,” he says.

but the 63-Year-old is undoubtedly deserving of recognition: for 18 years, he worked as a fire inspector in service, previously over 15 years as the commander of the voluntary fire brigade in Geretsried. Since 15. In July 1969, he is a member there, since that day, his Hobby is in the first place.

“My dress up stuff was on the chair next to the bed ready,” he said. It gave the night an Alarm that he needed just slip on and was ready. He was also celebrate for new year’s eve, Christmas eve and birthdays. He remained with the alcohol-free white beer, his wife, and he drove, mostly with two cars to the venue. “The fire brigade has shot up private appointments in the rule.”

This is since Monday. Sydoriak has handed over its radio equipment – analog and digital – his beeper, the fire use plan, the Uniform and the service vehicle to his successor, Erich Zengerle (we reported). From now on, the family is a priority – even if his active service for the Geretsrieder fire only in one and a half years with his 65. Birthday ends.

+ now Has a lot of time to read: Christian Sydoriak is not since Monday, more than a circle of fire inspector in service. ©Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

In the obtained time – for eleven days, the personnel officer of the company Rudolf Chemie is also in the rest – want to Sydoriak do something with his grandson Jonas (four months), his two children and his wife go on vacation. “She wants to come back to Namibia, but I think twice is enough, maybe it goes to Morocco.” And otherwise, of the 63 happy Years, that he can in the evening drink to “two Glasl wine, without the fear that it strikes a negative”.

Even though his Post as a leader, was associated in the fire service with many hardships, Sydoriak regret not a Minute. The thought to can people and animals help to drive him. And the camaraderie in the fire service was being. In the case of interventions, the helper must work in Hand. “This is only possible if you can.”

In his youth, lived Sydoriak in Waldram, the fire brigade in Wolfratshausen recruited him as the first youth group was installed. His first assignment was a Hofbrand in Gelting. “That was intense,” admits the 63-Year-old. Has he the experience in discussions in the group and with the family. There are hundreds more, some of them very severe followed. “This is, of course, but you need to push away, otherwise you can’t do this anymore.”

And Sydoriak wanted to stay. “If I said to some Yes, I prefer that too,” he says. This also explains his perseverance as a fire inspector in the North. No matter how stressful was an operation, the 63-Year-old was not fazed. “You have your Routine in your head and not a single fighter.” Christian Sydoriak is sober and modest.


see also:

Winter, Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen has firmly in Hand, most recently in 2006