“I was really excited about playing a mother who is having a weekend off for the first time,” , 35-year-old Gossip Girls alum said to Cosmopolitan UK Thursday, March 3. “I felt that this was a character I could easily relate to, feel compassion for, and slip into. It was like I was a 35-year old with 10 months-old. I thought that was me. ‘”
Meester shares daughter Arlo (6 years old) with Adam Brody and it can be hard to be away from them, especially when she is working on location for The Weekend Away. The
Single Parents alum stated that the element of being far from your child is quite different to when you are with your child. “At least that’s what it is for me. If anything happens, your top concern should be your child’s safety.

She said, “[My character Beth is] not with my kid, so that would drive you mad.” It would be a terrible situation to find myself in and be thousands of kilometers away from my child.

Although Meester prefers to keep her private life hidden from the public eye, she has spoken out about how she and the O.C. alumni, 42 , rely on each other as parents. I don’t believe that balance is possible. It’s impossible if your mother is working — and single mothers, it’s impossible,” the Date Night actor said to Shape on March 2019. Some days my husband cooks dinner and others I make it. Sometimes I am too tired to cook dinner and I just eat a bowl o’ cereal. We do it because it’s what we do to make it work.

The Roommate star is proud to be a mother despite the challenges of managing work and family. She is also completely committed to her children. “People began telling me before I had a child, ‘You’re going be really passionate about them,'” Meester said exclusively to Us Weekly in September 2019. “Then, you’re like: ‘Yeah. Evidently, I love them.’ Then, you have them and you’re like: ‘Oh. OK I don’t love anyone. They are my only love. They are my best friends. Not even close.'”

She said, “I don’t know, would you kill someone or die for them?” Sure. Yes.

Brody has been equally enthusiastic about fatherhood. He even called the coronavirus quarantine “blissful”, because he was able spend more time with his family.