The US television channel CNN gets in his dispute with the White house to the lockout of Reporters back from the direct competitor to Fox News. His station will support the CNN case filed by means of a written statement to the court, announced Fox-News-chief Jay Wallace on Wednesday. His station in favour of a free access of the media to the government and an “open exchange”.

reported, While CNN, primarily critical of U.S. President Donald Trump, is set in the decidedly conservative channel Fox News in General very friendly towards Trump. The Empire of media Mogul Rupert Murdoch owned channel is watched by the President preferred.

the station chief Wallace stated now, however, to dispute the CNN Reporter Jim Acosta, the handling of accreditations are never to “be used as a weapon”. Be the transmitter, not cheap: “the increasingly hostile tone between the President and the press at a recent Media encounter,” but the freedom of the press.

back in the Form of judicial opinions, CNN gets also by a number of other US media organisations, including the Newspapers, “New York Times” and “Washington Post”, NBC News, and the news agencies, AP and Bloomberg.

The White house had suspended Acosta’s accreditation last week, after a tumultuous press conference by the President until Further notice. During the event, Trump and Acosta, who are already involved for a Long time in a feud were to fall, particularly violent against each other.


CNN’s requested then on Tuesday at a Federal court in Washington a temporary restraining order Cratosslot against the White house with the goal that Acosta “without delay,” his press card back. In its complaint, the broadcaster argued that the White house violated the constitutional rights of the reporter and CNN.

The White house argued, however, the court submitted an opinion that the awarding of the accreditation was a “wide discretion”. In the case of the admission of media representatives to the White house this room is the same as in the case of the decisions of the President, which journalists give Interviews and what is he giving press conferences, the word, – was stated in the published on Wednesday the Statement.

trump’s spokeswoman Sarah Sanders had justified the withdrawal of the accreditation for Acosta on the previous day, that they had refused to trump’s request “physically”, the microphone, and colleagues to come also word. In the past week, she had justified the measure, however, that Acosta got touched for a trainee of the White house, which had tried the microphone off.

This reasoning was criticised by many as flimsy. Because Acosta touched the Intern, at most, only very slightly on the Arm. He also apologized immediately to the woman when he stopped at the microphone to ask a further question.
