International day for the elimination of violence against women – so the somewhat unwieldy full title, under which every year on may 25. November for the issue and mobilized awareness. SPIEGEL ONLINE has already reported the entire week. It comes to violence in the marriage and the frightening statistics, but also to neighborhood initiatives, offers of help and action on the part of the policy. In our image gallery, you can find the main article.

violence against women Smash the stereotypes

men beat their wives – but only in the under layer and in migrant families: Such prejudices lead us to an untenable state of Affairs. more…

the project against domestic violence The neighborhood protects me

shows A Hamburg-based project, how important neighbors can be threatened women and their children who are in need. And how little sometimes is enough to help those Affected. more…

Domestic violence “If I don’t go back, not will I survive here”

Maria moved to Germany. But the man she married, showed a sudden brutal side and made his wife to another man. more…

Nationwide Hotline “violence against women” to find the victims of violence help – in 17 languages

women who Betgaranti experience violence find round-the-clock assistance: The help phone “violence against women”. There trained counsellors assist clients to escape abuse and humiliation. more…

Inga Kjer/ MIRROR+ Franziska Giffey to domestic violence, “Unimaginable Numbers”

Minister for family Affairs, Giffey, stands in front of a Problem that has been the district mayor of Berlin-Neukölln: many women experience domestic violence. What will you do? more…

Humiliated, abused, murdered women, my Partner, My tormentor

you Have time from your Partner miss? Manipulated? Humiliated? Cases of domestic violence are on the rise in Germany, but hardly anyone talks about it. We want to change that. more…

Partner with a “control freak” At the end, she was his prisoner

He flattered in her life, until he mastered it completely: At the low point of their relationship to Stefan Thea was isolated and completely involuntarily. more…

therapist about violent men, “We do not know whether they will strike again”

men who beat their women, often end up in Helge Rettig of Bielefeld, Germany, men advice, man-o-man. Many are even scared about their behavior, he says, others were totally in the right. more…

Lisa Wassmann/ THE MIRROR + The biggest danger for a woman? The man

tens of thousands of men in Germany, beat, and threaten their partner, out of jealousy, out of gekränktem narcissism, or frustration. More than 100 women have died, therefore, in 2017. Why upset the few people? more…

violence against women “As an Egyptian you fight for a lifetime with sexual Assault”

Sexual harassment in Egypt and daily life, even the Mob-rapes are not uncommon. Where does the excessive use of force? more…