Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer invites you to a Workshop on asylum: There, practitioners to explain what’s going wrong. Apparently, a lot of things. The new CDU leader wants to respond. The CSU, like the.

Munich/Berlin – Angela Merkel has a different date. While the CDU adopted at their workshop discussions of the refugee policy of the Chancellor, receives the head of government of the German spring Lea Ehlers. In hopeful Green dressed Merkel receives a bouquet of flowers – on the occasion of the upcoming Valentine’s day. If so, the party of the Central horticultural Association no longer feels the love for you, then at least.

Merkel’s critics are satisfied with a new course

Nice, you would not have to symbolize how the party and the Ex-Chairman of friendship develop apart. In the Konrad-Adenauer-house, two gentlemen on the stage, the braided Merkel, a long time no wreaths more: Thomas Strobl, the main stand shortly thereafter, professionally, the Minister of the interior in Baden-Württemberg and by the way, a son-in-law of Merkel’s critics, Wolfgang Schäuble, and his Bavarian colleague, Joachim Herrmann. The CSU politician looks almost provocatively happy face, while he listens to the recommendations of the working groups. A “very important and very wise rate determination”, says the guest from Munich.

AKK makes Migration a matter for the boss

This course was the idea of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Prior to their election in December, they had announced, to make Migration a matter for the boss and take a few experts to the table. Now she sits in the first row and listen to the fireworks of proposals.

More: “Wise course” – So Herrmann looks at the plans of the migration policy

When she’s finally in the series, she says a sentence, the Merkel as or similar to the often told: “We don’t have to do everything, that such a thing repeated.” But at AKK, he says something completely different. This Monday, Merkel is to Welcome political history.

CDU approaching CSU-loans and advances to

especially working group 3 (“Effective” removals “policy”), calling for attention. In Baden-Württemberg would currently completed only one of the three deportations, explained Strobl. The working group, in the police, Bamf staff and sitting judges, proposes, therefore, taken into detention and custody. “Obliged to leave the country, which are themselves detained to blame for leaving the country, need to be deleted services”, calls for Strobl. “False information shall result in the immediate termination of the asylum procedure.” In addition, you want to be able to delinquent applicants easier to deport. In the case of sexual offences, and offences against police expulsion is to be “always and in all cases,” announces Strobl. The CDU is closer to many of the claims for which had been fought more of the CSU.

internal politicians Armin Schuster sees urgent need for action. You’ve learned from the Situation in 2015. “We expect that they could come back,” says Schuster. Therefore, calls to finally secure Europe’s external borders and asylum procedures. So far, the Plan, the EU border protection Agency Frontex, by 2025, 10,000-man expand. Schuster pushes the Tempo: 2020 is the goal. “The German government has not had this Position,” he regretted. “We see things differently.” It sounds like the new CDU have to do with the government only to a limited extent.

also read: “humanity and firmness”: the CDU will take a course in migration policy