Each week, the Express presents you with a selection of articles read by professional actors, intended to be listened to on your phone.

The Express offers you discover free of charge a partof its exclusive offer for subscribers : articles audio. Listen from chezvous a selection of articles read by professional actors, etnotamment this survey of cuban doctors. Known to go where the other nevont not, these practitioners pro-castro forces involved in the global fight against leCovid-19. But the flip side of this success story is less glorious.

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China proclaims a “strategic success majeure” against the coronavirus LIVE. Second round of municipal governments: the government is preparing to unveil its decision in Slaughterhouse of the Loiret: 56 employees and 13 cases infected contacts by the Covid-19

The Express offers to its subscribers to listen to the entirety of the magazine on the eve of its release on newsstands on Thursday : the weekly version of audio, five hours of listening to music from the application, even in non-connected mode

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