Each week, the Express presents you with a selection of articles read by professional actors, intended to be listened to on your phone. A good way to discover our new offers.

The Express offers you discover free of charge a part of its offer exclusively to subscribers : articles audio. Listen to for you a selection of articles read by professional actors, as this survey of oppositions, that behind the semblance of national union, fourbissent already in their weapons. Because if it is often said that to govern is to foresee, it’s the same when it comes to oppose. Impossible, in the present circumstances, to launch attacks from the front against a government responsible to organize the country’s fight against the epidemic, but this does not prevent to prepare for the next. And the result, inevitably, will go through the indictment of Emmanuel Macron and Edward Philip. Today, to the right as on the left, to the extreme right to the extreme left, everyone is silent, and the harvest of the ammunition that will be used tomorrow. Bruno Retailleau, the

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The Express audio available : the offensive digital anti-vaccines The Express audio offered : musician, rastafarian, and minister, it is possible to Express audio available : the little death of the desktop, a chronicle of Nicolas Bouzou

The Express offers to its subscribers to listen to the entirety of the magazine on the eve of its release on newsstands on Thursday : the weekly version of audio, five hours of listening to music from the application, even in non-connected mode .

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