The website “Soko Chemnitz” is strongly reminiscent of the calls to the Hamburg police after the riots during the G20 summit in the summer of 2017: There are mug photo to see similar images of people, some, some Caught without a black bar in front of the eyes, including:”! 01. Sept.2018 – part of the Deserters from Chemnitz”. Only at a second glance it becomes clear: Something must be wrong. Who scrolls, discovered by the author: It is not the Saxon state government, or the LKA. It is the center for Political beauty – short-ZPS.

The artist group around the philosopher and performance artist Philipp Ruch has the website approximately three months after the right-hand demonstrations in Chemnitz. She said to have three million images from over 7000 Suspects evaluated in order to identify the right extremism in 2018 in a systematic way. At the same time, it announces on the Website to “the work of the Affected agencies search”. “We are asking the public for help”, Ruch quote. On the site are offered rewards for the detection.

In the Video: the rights of accelerant – The men behind the Chemnitz-riots


“Where is this attitude to the sick? Who employs you? Why do you have the time to spread their hatred of minorities, to attack the press and to threaten with violence?”, it means more. And this action is Betlike reminiscent of the AfD-detector portals against teachers and schools.

Legally vulnerable?

Whether it is on the ZPS-page shown and CVS provided people real identities, or whether, in turn, art activists, remains unclear. You should see the pictures of real people, could threaten the artists ‘ collective legal consequences.

in the past, the art had left the collective in its actions, much is Uncertain – for example, in the past year, as the activists in front of the private house of the AfD-husband Björn Höcke in Thuringia, born Hagen is a replica of the Berlin’s Holocaust memorial had to be built. They wanted to protest against the speech Höckes, in which he referred to the memorial in Berlin as a “monument of shame”.

Video: Protest-action – Mr Höcke and his Holocaust memorial


At the same time, it is said, first, that the operatives had monitored the AfD-politician also over the months, systematically, and with cameras directly in front of his house. Later, it was a great Bluff and part of the art of action against Höcke.

editor’s note: an earlier Version we had Bernd, instead of Björn Höcke written. We have corrected the error.
