Without water – so much is – not it would be with the life on the earth. However, as the water came on the earth?

A widely accepted theory assumes that the bulk of the water was brought by asteroids hitting the young earth. The fact, researchers concluded, because the chemical signature of the water is similar to asteroids, and in the oceans of the earth.

But now researchers have found evidence of a further origin of earth’s water. It could at least partly originate also from dust and gas clouds from the surroundings of the still young sun. The a Team led by Peter Buseck writes from Arizona State University in the “Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets”. In addition, the researchers believe that Our Planet contains much more hydrogen – a component of water – than previously thought.

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Buseck and colleagues argue that the true matching chemical signature of the earth and asteroid water comprehensive. Hydrogen in the Interior of our planet, the boundary between earth’s mantle and core, have a very different signature, come so, probably not from asteroids. In addition, certain noble gases appear to be in the earth’s mantle, the typical characteristics of solar dust and gas Pokerklas clouds.

increase in the earth

The researchers therefore propose an extension of the old theory, according to which billions of years ago, several water-bearing could be merged, from the matter-of fog to the still young sun surrounded by asteroids to the planet earth. Gases of the solar nebula came to be in its early atmosphere and were taken by its magma oceans. The impact of other celestial bodies, brought more water, and enlarged the earth, ultimately, to its present dimensions.


Also, according to the model, the bulk of earth’s water came from asteroids, and only a small part of the clouds of Gas and dust around the young sun. About one to two out of every 100 water molecules back to the solar nebula, estimate the researchers.

it Should be like the US-astronomers accepted, would have consequences for the probability of exoplanets with water: they may have arisen in the matter-mist to your sun, even if it was in the remote System, no water entry through the asteroids.
