A Tweet by Katharina Schulze brings the Green-shooting star powerful against wind. It’s going to be a trip in the United States – and some refreshment.

Update from the 7. January, 15: 28: With hard criticism has now also CSU General Secretary Markus flower is considered the Green in his all-round impact in a SZ-Interview Katharina Schulze’s ice cream sundae-photo theme. The Green parliamentary group boss, was unmasked as “hypocritical”, says the CSU-man.

mockery for ice-cream-photo – Katharina Schulze

Update from the 7. January, 12.47 PM: , The Green are at the beginning of the year in the Shitstorm of Chaos. Party leader Robert Habeck has responded with the complete withdrawal from Facebook and Twitter, and also Katharina Schulze consequences. If not quite so drastic.

The Bavarian leader of the opposition has the beef to ice cream Post (see below), the comment function under the Instagram snapshot is disabled. However, The Posting itself is more accessible – complete the Episode does not want to repay Schulze.

Meanwhile, Schulze keeps your Followers with photos of your trip to the USA. Early Monday morning, German time, she shared a photo where she poses on the Campus of the University of California in San Diego. And obviously in a good mood.

Update from the 6. January, 20.15 clock: Shortly after Cem Özdemir and Katharina Schulze, now Green party leader Robert Habeck in Trouble because of a Statement on the Internet. In a campaign Video for the 2019 upcoming elections in Thuringia was Habeck to entice a highly misleading formulation. The party deleted the Clip.

plastic breaks down, Schulze, Ozdemir in the Andes: Green ridicule – and rightly so on the way up?

Update from the 5. January, 15.22 PM: Green party leader Katharina Schulze must live up to their eco-unfriendly holiday photo with plenty of ridicule. As one of the First Martin Hagen reported, of all things, a word in – he was the FDP’s lead candidate, one of Schulze’s competitors in the state election campaign.

On an Instagram snapshot of the Liberal Schulze’s photo. However, in “Bavaria (home)”, instead of in California, and with a “Deposit bottle”, a local brewery instead of disposable cups velvet plastic spoons. As the brutal attack of the group head of the state FDP wanted to know the Posting but apparently not understood. “Sorry @Kath aschulze, I couldn’t resist 😉 Have fun on vacation, haste you deserve!”, cross, he rubbed his taunt.

was In a similar situation as Schulze a few days ago, by the way, also Ex-Green-boss Cem Özdemir. He had posted in the social media is also a holiday photo from the South American mountain range of the Andes. Here, too, parted in between, a FDP-man. The member of Parliament Alexander Lambsdorff said he would be begrudge Özdemir the holidays – even more beautiful, but it would be found the Green “is also something to enjoy, not to create it in the Andes, but with #family #and out of the car eg the North sea or Baltic sea want to,” he said.

Özdemir countered with a side swipe on the Diesel policy of the FDP and shared a Post of a User who pointed out the family ties of the Green to Argentina.

plastic-breakdown of Katharina Schulze: preach water, drinking wine?

Munich – Actually, Katharina Schulze wanted to start the year off “right”, as you wrote it, at least on Wednesday, under your Instagram post (“Starting the year right”). Your subscribers responded, however, with a Shitstorm! Because most of the saw in the picture, no ice cream in the Californian sunshine, but: long-haul flight, disposable cups and plastic spoons (see below). The group Chairman of the Greens would drink “preach water and wine,” in many of the over 100 comments.

“Because the Other place the hands in the lap, we have to save the world,” said Schulze on your website. That fly and the protection of the environment and do not tolerate, would know the spokesperson for the Alliance “Munich against the third runway” actually… Despite their self-conscious answer to the question of whether it was a plastic spoon in the picture, has drawn from the affair: “I bet, how long will it take until someone notices.”

Katharina Schulze: FDP-rival Martin Hagen post Alternative

FDP parliamentary Group leader Martin Hagen taunts against Schulze with a post on Twitter (see picture above): Instead of the Sundae, he photographed a Light in front of a Bavarian landscape and introduced the pictures with the words, “Sorry @Kath aschulze, I couldn’t resist; -)“.

Whether Katharina Schulze would not have to abandon your flight and your ice-cream sundae better, has triggered a great discussion. Fixed likely to, at least: perhaps It was not sent to post the…

also read: attack from hackers: data Theft on flew because of Martin Schulz – Merkel, too, is affected – All the news about the political future of the Chancellor, you will also find in our News-Ticker.

Kathrin Braun