
Paulo Leminski: A Paranaense Legacy Celebrated in Curitiba

Today, the Curitiba society celebrates the 35 years of the legacy left by Paulo Leminski, one of the main references of contemporary Paranaense poetry. With a modern and realistic approach, Leminski conquered the public with his contemporary art, which incorporated touches of Japanese haikus and a unique view of everyday life.

Leminski’s work stood out for its practicality and genius, combining everyday themes with humor, sarcasm, and a captivating simplicity. His poems were direct but deeply impactful, leaving an indelible mark on Brazilian literature.

Unfortunately, Leminski left us prematurely due to complications arising from hepatic cirrhosis, a disease associated with alcohol abuse that affects the liver. However, his works continue to inspire and enchant readers of all ages, perpetuating his poetic legacy for generations.

For those who wish to delve into Leminski’s universe, we present here five of his most emblematic works, worth reading to escape the digital routine and rediscover the pleasure of reading:

– “1 Milhão de Coisas” (1985): A collection that reflects the thematic and stylistic diversity of the author, addressing issues of love, urban life, and the human condition.
– “A Lua Foi ao Cinema” (1989): In this book, Leminski plays with language and imagination, creating verses that float between surrealism and everyday poetry.
– “Catatau” (1975): Considered one of his most complex works, “Catatau” is a unique literary experience that challenges the limits of narrative and language.
– “Guerra Dentro da Gente” (1986): This book explores the internal conflicts of the human being, delving into the depths of the human soul with sensitivity and insight.
– “La Vie en Close” (1991): A work that reveals Leminski’s keen eye on the world around him, capturing fleeting moments and transforming them into poetry.

By celebrating the life and work of Paulo Leminski, we remember not only a talented poet but a visionary whose legacy continues to inspire and captivate readers across the country.