Tag: Escritor


Rodrigo Lombardi vive personagem de Guimarães Rosa depois de retratá-lo em série

Rodrigo Lombardi Embodies Guimarães Rosa Character in "Grande Sertão" Film AdaptationThree years after portraying Guimarães Rosa in the miniseries "Passport to Freedom," Rodrigo Lombardi,...

Paulo Leminski um legado paranaense

Paulo Leminski: A Paranaense Legacy Celebrated in CuritibaToday, the Curitiba society celebrates the 35 years of the legacy left by Paulo Leminski, one of...

Paulo Leminski: há 35 anos, Brasil perdia seu poeta pop – BBC News Brasil

Paulo Leminski: The Legacy of Brazil's Pop Poet Lives On After 35 Years - BBC News BrasilPaulo Leminski, the pop poet that Brazil lost...



Clive Myrie and Naga Munchetty Clash: BBC Presenters Feud

BBC Breakfast reporter Naga Munchetty's expressions during the recent General Election coverage caught the attention of her colleague Clive Myrie. Naga was covering the...

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