the messages in The Short Overview:

the Worst serial killer in the USA? Man has probably committed dozens of murders (18: 48)Merkel gives in Chemnitz errors in the refugee policy (16.42 hrs)Federal Ministry of the interior checks deportations to Syria (15.59 hours), and father of Lion-Air-crash victim sues Boeing (13.01 hours), and”Linden street” is set in 2020, (12.14 PM)

The News of the day in the star-Ticker:

+++ 21.59 at: Spahn: refugee numbers are still too high +++

The candidate for the CDU presidency, Jens Spahn, sees the refugee question is still no relaxation. “The Figures are still so, that if they remain so – they are too high,” said the Federal Minister of health in Koblenz. Also this year, more than 200,000 refugees came to Germany, the equivalent of a small city. Germany should not traffickers and Smugglers, leaving the decision of who is to come.

CDU regional conference Merz, ACC or Spahn: Who has scored run at the first sight? DPA

He was glad, “that we are now discussing openly about limits,” said Spahn in a Congress of the local political Union of the CDU and the CSU. According to the coalition agreement, the annual number of new refugees should not exceed of 180,000 to 220,000.

At the anniversary Congress of the 70th anniversary of the Association also presented the two other promising candidate for the CDU presidency, Ex-Union parliamentary leader Friedrich Merz, the CDU General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

+++ 21.27 PM: “The untouchables” – the script-the genius of William Goldman is dead +++

The US screenwriter and Oscar-winner William Goldman is dead. As the “Washington Post” and other media citing gold Mans daughter, reported Jenny, died of the author to the consequences of cancer and pneumonia at his home in New York. Goldman was 87 years old. He had supplied the templates for film classics such as “The untouchables” and “The Marathon man”.

The rotary books for the Western “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” and the Watergate Drama “all The President’s men” earned him two Oscar trophies. He also wrote the templates for the Anti-war film “The bridge of Arnheim”, the Western spoof “Maverick”, the Horror flick “Misery” and the Fantasy Film “The Princess bride”.

+++ 20.19 PM: Trump: China has sent a list of the possible trade concessions +++

China has sent the United States, according to U.S. President Donald Trump with a list of possible concessions to resolve the trade dispute. Trump stressed, however, that he was still ready to agree with the government in Beijing. “China wants to make a Deal,” said the President in the White house. “You have sent a list of things you are willing to do.” It was a “fairly complete list” with 142 points, however, four or five big things were missing. Trump said: “It is easy for me, is still acceptable.”

Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, together come to the end of the month in Argentina, on the sidelines of the G20 summit. Trump said on Friday the United States is prepared to cover more Goods from China at a value of 267 billion dollars with special duties. He, however, limited: “we don’t need to do, maybe.” The United States have already levied special duties on Goods from China worth more than $ 250 billion. Beijing has responded with retaliatory tariffs. In the conflict, it is, among other things, barriers to trade and the theft of intellectual property.

+++ 19.47 PM: Hesse CDU offers Green coalition talks +++

Nearly three weeks after the state election, has invited the Hessian CDU, the Greens and the coalition discussions. “We want to start next week with the negotiations,” said Prime Minister Volker Bouffier after a meeting of the land Executive of the CDU in Wiesbaden, Germany. The cooperation with the Greens in the past five years is a good basis for a stable government for the next parliamentary term. A continuation of the black-green government to confirm the will of the Voters.

when will be the first coalition conversation, remained unclear. “We must first wait for the answer of the Greens,” said Bouffier.

+++ 19.40: Meuthen to the AfD top candidate for the European election elected +++

The AfD’s Federal Chairman Jörg Meuthen, the party is lead as the top candidate in the European elections in 2019. At the party conference in Magdeburg, Meuthen was elected with about 90 percent to the top of the list. He had no opposing candidates. The 57-Year-old said in his candidate’s speech, the AfD will change the majorities in the European Parliament is “very crucial”.

fight to the list of places “I’m stupid” and what do you know about the AfD-Europe-applicants From Wigbert Löer

Currently, Meuthen, the only AfD members of the European Parliament, he assumed the mandate in December 2017. Originally, the AfD 2014 was drafted with seven deputies in the Strasbourg Parliament. Six of them are now members of the party.

As “natural allies” in a revival of the AfD in the European Parliament, Meuthen called the right-wing populists from Austria, Italy and Hungary, the Christian Strache, Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orban. The goal is to form a group together, which was second-strongest force in Parliament.

In his brief candidacy speech attacked Meuthen especially the Green and in particular its Chairman Robert Habeck. The strengthening of the Green were “highly dangerous”, you and all the other established parties wanted to abolish Germany in favour of an “identity-free EU super-state”.

+++ 18.59 PM: hundreds of people demonstrate in Chemnitz against Merkel +++

hundreds of people have in Chemnitz, Germany, against German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and their policy demonstrates. Among them many right-wing populists, which occurred in the vicinity of the hall, in the Merkel, “traitor”, “get lost” and “Merkel has to go,” called.

Some of the demonstrators wore T-Shirts with the ironic inscription “Horny Merkel,” on a Transparent Heil Merkel. They belonged to a group with the ironic name “Merkel youth”, reminded them of the term “Hitler youth” – the youth organization of the Nazis. A speaker of Onbahis the group, compared to Merkel’s policy, and the published opinion in Germany with a dictatorship and the methods of the Stasi in the GDR.

The police informed that it had taken ten people to establish their identity temporarily. It would be assessed whether a violation of the Assembly law was. All people would then be able to a rally to participate.

+++ 18: 48: Americans may have committed dozens of murders +++

Eggn for the triple murder in California of convicted American has committed in the past few decades, possibly dozens of other killings in many US States. The Sheriff of Wise County in the state of Texas, Lane Akin, confirmed US media reports. In a message, Akins said, the in Wise County detained alleged serial killer by the name of Samuel L. cooperate with the investigators in order murders from the years 1970 to 2005 to educate. L. have previously provided information to more than 90 murders.

L. was collected last July in Ector County, Texas, indictment for the murder of a woman in 1994. The defendant was then transferred from prison in California to Texas and Wise County prison.

The NBC quoted a communication from the attorney in Ector County, to the effect that the 78-Year-old could be one of the worst or even the worst serial killer in the history of the United States, he should have the murders all actually committed. L. was in California already to three times imprisonment has been condemned, because he strangled in the Los Angeles area in the years 1987 to 1989 three women.

+++ 18.05 PM: Round of 114,000 women were 2017 a victim of boyfriend, husband or Ex +++

been killed Every two to three days is 2017, on average, a woman in Germany, according to a report in the “mirror” of your Partner or Ex. The news magazine cites Figures from the Federal criminal police office. Therefore, be is in the last year, approximately 139 000 people by current or former partners abused, stalked or threatened. In four out of five cases – a total of 113.965 – all the victims were female. 147 women were killed, according to the.

The Suspects were, therefore, nearly 68 percent of the cases, German citizens. “The Problem goes through all social classes and all ethnic backgrounds,” said Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD), the “mirror”. The number of the dead was called “in a modern country like Germany, an unimaginable magnitude”. The Minister will present the statistics on Tuesday in Berlin.

+++ 17: 51: fear of torture: dozens of refugees waiting on the freighter in front of the Libyan coast +++

Out of fear of imprisonment and torture, to refuse, according to Amnesty International, dozens of refugees to leave the ship in a Libyan port anchor the trading ship. At least 79 people, including several children, were sitting for a week on the Panamanian-flagged merchant ship in the port of Misrata, told the human rights organization in London.

star-Reportage refugees in Libya, The prey of human traffickers

Only 14 people from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, the Sudan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were in Libya to the country went, told Amnesty. Their refugee boat was intercepted on the way to Europe on the Mediterranean sea and in a “clear violation of international law” from the freighter back to the North African civil war country.

recently, the UN had warned of the high Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) before sending, in the Mediterranean sea rescued migrants back to Libya. There, the refugees are at risk to be victims of “severe ill-treatment”, ran the UNHCR said. The migrants, extortion, torture, the threat of work and rape forced.

+++ 17.48 at: May appoints new Brexit-Minister +++ Brexit design resignations plunge London into a government crisis – the chair of the Prime Minister shaking DPA

The former health Secretary, Stephen Barclay will be the new Brexit-a British government Minister. Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Barclay to the Post. The previous incumbent, Dominic Raab, had resigned on Thursday in Protest against the draft exit agreement with the EU.

+++ 17.17 PM: Merkel calls on Democrats to deferral of right-wing Demos +++

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has called on disgruntled citizens to distance themselves in demonstrations of xenophobes and right-wing radicals. You think it is good that many of the Chemnitzer of the xenophobic riots felt in the demonstrations in September, repelled and would have accrued, Merkel said in Chemnitz in a discussion with readers of the newspaper “Free press”. You think it’s good that there is such a demarcation. Such border lines to be drawn, “then also” stressed the Chancellor.

After the end of August, had been stabbed to death a 35-year-old Chemnitz, presumably, of asylum-seekers, were thousands of citizens, including right-wing radicals, on the road. There were also xenophobic Attacks, attacks on Jewish, Persian and Turkish Restaurants, and the rights of the terrorist group “Revolution Chemnitz” was revealed.

+++ 17.06 PM: Merkel: excitement after an incident in Chemnitz justifies no Crime +++

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has just shown three months after the xenophobic Attacks of Chemnitz understanding for a lack of feeling of safety in the city. In a discussion with readers of the newspaper “Free press” in Chemnitz, Germany, Merkel said she could understand the excitement and arousal of many people in the city, after the end of August, was stabbed and killed at a Chemnitzer probably of asylum seekers. This excitement justified, but not to commit in right-wing demonstrations crimes.

Merkel defended himself against criticism, to the invitation of the mayor, Barbara Ludwig (SPD) too late to come to the city. You’ve thought long and hard about when the best time for your visit – even before the Background that you have that effect on many people polarizing. You didn’t want to be in a completely agitated mood. Now it is for you to consider what it could do to the Federal government to ensure that the city will not be placed permanently in a false light.

+++ 16.42 PM: Merkel admits in Chemnitz errors in the refugee policy a +++

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has once again acknowledged that the Federal government has made in the refugee policy error. The error is not hardware, but the fact that you’ve helped the refugees in the short term, but in the fact that you have not taken care of in a timely manner to the countries of origin and the region of origin, Merkel said in Chemnitz in a discussion with readers of the newspaper “Free press”. She regretted that there is in the recognition of safe countries of origin, no progress in the Bundestag.

+++ 15.59 PM: Federal Ministry of the interior deportations checks to Syria +++

The Federal Ministry of the interior shall examine a deportation in the civil war country Syria. The house of the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) to comply with a request of the countries, such as the Ministry of speakrin Eleonore Petermann said. The topic discussed should be the next Minister of the interior conference at the end of the month. The human rights organisation Pro ASYL and the Left reacted indignant.

“Humanitarian catastrophe” 50,000 people in Distress: The forgotten misery in the refugee camp of Rukban

The current halt to deportations to Syria until the end of the year. The Foreign office put Syria on 13. November a new report on the situation, a spokesman said. To not want to its contents, he expressed but, since the document was classified. There is in Syria a “complex situation,” it said. The foreign speaker pointed out, it was not “light”, information about the situation in Syria to gather, as Germany have no functioning Embassy. Also, it is because of the security situation in the country also, in principle, “anything other than simply to secure the information”.

The managing Director of Pro ASYL, Günter Burkhardt, pointed out that deportations to Syria were still not “responsible”. He pointed to estimates from the United Nations, according to which not only the security situation and the catastrophic supply situation in Syria in many regions, speaking against a return of refugees. Also, the government will go from President Bashar al-Assad against the opposition. “Syria is not safe,” Pro ASYL.

+++ 14.43 PM: Merkel in Chemnitz – mayor for more direct dialogue +++

The Chemnitz mayor Barbara Ludwig (SPD) wishes German Chancellor Angela Merkel stands with the citizens in direct dialogue. “I am convinced that we must go to the people and our Actions declare, if we don’t – or even more – do you want to lose,” ordered Ludwig to the visit of Merkel to tell. Also, the Federal government should do this, in your view regularly. Thus, residents ‘ meetings were to be held in Chemnitz, Germany, for twelve years. Saxony’s Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU) meeting dialogues, people in the Citizens.

Ludwig accused the Chancellor of a “practically since three years of silence”, the consequences of which were particularly the subject of Integration. The debate will be much left to too often those Fears or actual problems instrumental.