To the Person Suhrkamp Bhaskar Sunkara , born 1988, was founded in 2010 as a Student the magazine “Jacobin”, which combines socialist Essays with pop culture. Also by the election of Bernie Sanders and the Hype of a new US-Left Jacobin was able to quintuple its support according to its own information, to 50,000, online, the magazine reaches more than a Million people on a monthly basis. Recently, the anthology “Jacobin appeared in Germany”. Sunkara sees himself as a Marxist. He was Vice-Chairman of the Democratic socialists of America . The organization, which represents a classic social-democratic and socialist currents, has increased its members since Sanders’ campaign to 50,000. Since the mid-term elections on Wednesday, the democratic Socialist seats in the house of representatives, including the New Yorker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ocasio-Cortez, who is campaigning for an expansion of state health services, is regarded among Democrats as a bearer of hope.

MIRROR ONLINE: Mr Sunkara, 2013, you expressed the wish that the Liberals and socialist forces in the U.S. ally. How far are you with this project?

Bhaskar Sunkara: We are on a good path. I wanted to appeal to the Democrats for social programs still attractive goods, which were nothing to do with the neoliberal direction, and for Hillary Clinton. On the other hand, I wanted to attract people who had become alienated from the major parties and in which an Anti-Establishment stance, for not to choose is paramount. Bernie Sanders was the candidate who spoke to both groups – he was my candidate, because he brought solidarity back into the game, by carrying: You’re not alone with your Worries, it is not your fault.

MIRROR ONLINE: Whose fault is it?

Sunkara: , Not the migrants, not the minority. It is the fault of the millionaires and billionaires.

Cover of “Jacobin”: “The Left must make use of populist rhetoric to self -”

MIRROR ONLINE: Now you can argue ideologically. It is not complex, the responsibility to certain groups of people blaming?

Sunkara : That’s an emotional Narrative. Clearly, the polarized. But this is precisely why it offers an outlet for pent-up anger. The people in the USA were long accustomed to individualize their Failure. I believe that the Left must make populist rhetoric – as soon as you act a history of creating works for the voters, you populist. And that’s okay in times of election campaigns, also if you can shape actual policies over a number of years to the government.

MIRROR ONLINE: it Is not without populism?

Sunkara : I know that the German bourgeois Left as fear – about these very English-centric view that nationalism unleashes everything, the Belief in original sin, because the German is still today a special responsibility to bear. But of course you need to speak with people about their feelings, their Pride. This also includes talking about where you come from. But the Problem is that such debates are now conducted in a much more moral instead of social.

MIRROR ONLINE: what do you mean?

Sunkara: “Open borders” is an expression of this moral polarization. Also, from a left perspective, there may be currently no open borders – perhaps in the distant future, if there is a universal welfare state. But today, it would mean that all of the come in and then are lost. Of course, the people need to be registered, of course, the people to the Social and health system are integrated.

MIRROR ONLINE: “get Up,” the latest left-wing movement in Germany created a sensation, promoted with Artemisbet economic justice, but it was founded by the politician Sahra wagenknecht, whose statements on migration policy is racist under tones had.

DISPLAY Loren Balhorn, Bhashkar Sunkara (EDS.):
Jacobin. The anthology

Stephan Gebauer

Suhrkamp Verlag; 311 pages; 18 Euro

At Amazon. In the case of Thalia order.

Sunkara: I know “don’t get Up,” still not good enough to judge whether it mimics too much on the rhetoric of the populist Right. Only so much: As a left-wing politician, you’re always on a fine line, because you address the anger, but at the same time is not your own Ideals can’t forget. What happens then, can be seen in the German SPD The had a cultural identity, but the way that today they will be perceived by voters as a accomplice of the Establishment, is the worst thing that could happen to her.

MIRROR ONLINE: How can frustrated convincing to choose left instead of right?

Sunkara: When people feel insecure, because they live in precarious work and always have less, it is difficult to be generous. But then one has to address the uncertainty, behind them material issues: Jobs, security for families, social services. Even if you can’t change views on migration policy – you can still make sure they choose you because the Rest is more important to you. There is a tendency for the major parties to certain voters, to enlighten, to do instead of Concrete. But when you expressed understanding, compromise offers, in which only certain immigrants are allowed into the country, you can only lose.

read the “Old Left” in the US, the new Left want?

MIRROR ONLINE: they speak a lot of material uncertainty. But the people elected in the USA, Donald Trump, were not the very poor, but especially the lower middle class.

Sunkara: That’s right; it’s all a misunderstanding, that his voters were angry white workers – in fact, it was more of the petty bourgeoisie. The Manager of McDonalds, not the worker who prepared the Burger. And also for voters and the business sector, that perhaps Clinton had first preferred to work for someone like Trump. The Left should not try to win these voters, but you can’t win voters who think there is no reason to choose and not feel picked up. Not only the young people, the unemployed or pensioners. We need to get before you go to the Right.

MIRROR ONLINE: Bernie Sanders has been heavily criticized, because of the much discussed topics such as Race and Gender play in its policy is hardly a role – this is the old socialist school, which sees the economic Situation as the key. Go with you?

Sunkara: I also believe that economic redistribution programs to have at the end always universal consequences. In the USA, the result of the unemployed in the work to help, for example, disproportionately Black, it is not because at its core, anti-racism, but the consequences are anti-racist. I think that identity politics would be difficult, if she turns just cultural representation, when people think about that they could not speak for a certain Community. And incorrectly attributed to the community is also wrong – I do not believe that a black company owner with black workers in common than a white workers with black workers.

Bernie Sanders: “He has to win a Chance to -”

MIRROR ONLINE: In the democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a (click here to read a portrait) some see already now a serious competitor for Donald Trump. What do you wish for the presidential elections in 2020?

Sunkara: I hope that Sanders will run. He has a Chance to win.

MIRROR ONLINE: you do not have to Worry that Trump is the first candidate would be an increasingly radical, but successful US-Right?

Sunkara: My real concern is that we will achieve in the next 20 years, left progress, but the consequences of climate change experience – and huge refugee flows and uncertainties for the benefit of right-wing populists. That is the fallacy that the Left has always pulled The capitalism collapses, no matter how bad the conditions are. Growth and prosperity, however, ensure that left-wing movements grow.

MIRROR ONLINE: you are born in 1988, growing with you a new politicized U.S. Generation?

Sunkara: I started with 16, to read Trotsky. When I came into politics, I had several Jobs that have me working in the intellectual middle class. Other people my age were in College, now still no Job and are looking for solutions – over-educated but unemployed. Probably we will meet somehow in the middle, to fight collectively against exploitation.