In 2020 will achieve the municipalities is expected to be a total of 411 million euros in tax, making for 117 million more than in 2019. Three-quarters of this, about 199 million euros, and it comes at the expense of Amsterdam, the netherlands. It reports to the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) on Tuesday, on the basis of the new municipal heffingscijfers.

In the capital, it means the increase of the tax for the first time is more important than the real estate tax (property tax). That puts this year’s expected total of 178 million euro in the coffers. Up to 2020, it has surpassed the visitor’s tax is only on the Wadden sea islands and the coastal town of Veere, the property tax revenue.

All local taxes in aggregate, this year, a 10.8 billion euro; 6.3% more than in 2019. These are the property tax, the sewer levies, and the tax on waste is the most important thing. Together, these are expected to be good for up to 8 billion euros.

The projected yield of the property tax take this year is expected to increase by 4.7 per cent to 4.3 billion euros. The development of a number of properties, the cost and the value of the property, the PROPERTY value is referred to have an impact on property tax revenue.

Parkeerheffingen 1 billion euros < / p> Parkeerheffingen to bring it in 2020, it is expected to be € 1 billion, which is nearly 10 percent more than in 2019. A significant portion of the increase was throughout the city, with an increase of 39 million euro in Rotterdam, the netherlands (€13 million) and The Hague (€12 million).

The income generated from the property tax, and the toerismebelasting belong to the general funds of the church. This means that it’s true for all of the duties and services to be used. That is not the case for the waste and sewer levies, the proceeds of which are raised for specific purposes.