the debate heads next round: presenter Maybrit Illner had this time the question is discussed in “New alliances, old fronts – what follows on Merkel?” With Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was a main candidate for the CDU presidency. The round was supplemented by: Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert, the Deputy FDP Chairman Wolfgang Kubicki, Deputy of the Left-Chairman Janine Wissler and the publicist and political consultant Michael Spreng.

withdrawal movement of the Night: Kramp-is Karrenbauer as a request, a candidate of Angela Merkel and that is why it is for you – unlike your competitors to the party Chairman, Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn – a little more complicated, from Merkel to sell. In Illner sent Kramp-Karrenbauer several times the message that she wanted to improve the party’s communication: Certain debates in the CDU, “not open enough and not proactive enough”, she said. They stand for a new “discussion style”: party first.

And she answered only to the question of whether you have a fight with Merkel: “Oh, Yes, a few times.” About the termination of the Kramp-Karrenbauer led Schwampel coalition in the Saarland, which had been terminated “against the will of Angela Merkel”. The Chancellor “can also be extremely loud on the phone.”

Overall, was Kramp-Karrenbauer optimistic about their chances for the CDU presidency. She knew that the people wanted someone who mean it seriously with you. “You can be a rhetorical question, perhaps, is also very talented – but you have to prove it. And so I think my chances are not so bad.”

Verb of the Night: to eradicate it. Used by Kramp-Karrenbauer. Your in the “FAZ” plea for a stricter handling of delinquent asylum seekers, which was interpreted as a distancing of the Merkel’s refugee policy “has nothing to do with a weakness to eradicate”. If you take it exactly with the words, you can discover the message that she wanted to leave any kind of reversal of Merkel’s policy, Friedrich Merz.

effective hit of the Night: of The Kühnert was not her, but Michael Spreng succeeded, however, in conjunction with Kevin. So the in talk shows: You can say all of what you have laid out. But then a totally different scene remains nonetheless. Snap, once a CDU consultant had given at the beginning of the consignment of the Thesis to the log, Kramp-Karrenbauer may be the “candidate of the heart” in the CDU, Merz, but “the candidate of the power of reason”. Then he spoke to the politician in their argument against marriage for all. Kramp-Karrenbauer Kolaybet had said in 2015, will the marriage-Definition of opened, not to exclude “other loans and advances: a marriage among close Relatives, or of more than two people”.

A box office film of the editors, it was not – the subject had prepared the explosives alone. A “litmus test” he saw that If you set the marriage for all with inbreeding and polygamy, “is not conservative, but reactionary”. Kühnert, confirmed, used the term “disconcerting”. Kramp-Karrenbauer said, you represent a minority position in the CDU, but the litmus test for you is whether you still say your opinion. But “reactionary”, is the sat of course. Your counterparty Merz called explosive, by contrast, is “conservative”.

questionnaire interview of the Night: The led Illner with Kramp-Karrenbauer, who had the main role. You don’t want to be Chancellor – what do you put it so, but the impression that you might want to be party Chairman, without information about the consequences in the picture, mind you eliminate. Incomplete of the position of the query demolition: A higher top rate of tax “is not the Moment to debate”. The minimum wage was too low. Yes to anchor malls. The word “state failure”, with Jens Spahn, the political events of 2015 has not used them despite repeated demand; it was an “exceptional situation”.

Video to AKK candidacy: I am still here

Video: CLEMENS BILAN/ EPA-EFE/ REX/ Shutterstock

The other guests of the Evening: it had not been easy given the subject. Could be the Era of Merkel red-Red-Green interesting? Janine Wissler of the left party, said, what you have to say: That depends on content. Above all, they profiled in the most heated conversation part of the Evening as a representative of a humane refugee policy. Poor people and Refugees would be pitted against each other. What was for the rest of the round, the invitation, the ratio of the Left to Sahra servant to cart. Wolfgang Kubicki, the FDP responded to the question, who is he in favour of the CDU in the chair: “The Free Democrats fear neither death nor the devil.”

And Kevin Kühnert had thought of that, of course, a sentence: no Matter who will lead the CDU, there is a government with the SPD, so you have to take into consideration with a view. The social Democrats had been talking to the Motto “First the country, then the party” in the “coalition”. Since the same law applies to all.

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