the coast of Indonesia has been washed up a dead whale with a total of just under six kilograms of plastic in the stomach.

The 9.5-Meter-long marine mammal was discovered on Monday in front of the island of Sulawesi. In the stomach of the whale were found, among other things:

4 plastic bottles of 25 plastic bags, 115 plastic Cup, a Pair of Flip-Flops around 3.2 kilograms of plastic ropes around 140 grams of additional plastic parts

This is the environmental organization WWF and the administration of the national Park Wakatobi informed on Tuesday.

Because the animal was badly decomposed when it was found, could not be traced, the cause of death. “But what we have seen is really terrible,” said Dwi Suprapti from the WWF in Indonesia.

waste from the stomach of the whale

animal rights activists take the Fund to the occasion, to Tipobet the plastic problem in the sea. Indonesia, with its 260 million inhabitants, according to a study from the year 2015, in addition to China and the Philippines, as one of the largest sources of plastic pollution in the oceans.

The state has not produced accordingly, in the year of 3.2 million tons of properly disposed plastic waste, of which 1.29 million tons in the ocean to land.

plastic waste by 2025, with 70 percent

to reduce The discovery to increase the awareness of the population, it is important to reduce plastic, said of the for the ocean, the competent Indonesian Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. It is possible that many other sea animals are also affected.

packaging of delusion Finally garbage-free

The government in Indonesia is currently seeking the plastic consumption in the country to reduce. So shops will be asked, no plastic bags to their customers. Also, the subject land shall be dealt with in schools. By 2025, Indonesia wants to reduce its plastic volume of around 70 percent. “This ambitious goal we can achieve, if the people understand that plastic waste is our common enemy,” said the Minister.

In the Video: THE MIRROR-live By the interaction with the oceans

