In India, has killed a monkey on a twelve-day-old boy. The British BBC has spoken with the local police and relatives of the child reported, among other things. Accordingly, the animal got into the house of the family in the North Indian city of Agra, while the mother gave the Little just the chest. The monkey had snatched from the woman, the child and fled with him to the outside. Neighbors and the family had immediately taken up the pursuit. On the run, the animal had bitten the child, apparently, several times. Neighbors found the injured child a little later on the roof of a neighboring house. Although immediately to the nearest hospital, was the child of the bite wounds succumbed.

The local chief of police, the monkey is the Baby evil. “The monkey has bitten the baby in the head and only discharged by it, because people have followed the animal with sticks and throwing stones at them”, – quotes the official.

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According to the BBC, it comes in the Region more and more often Hermesbet to attacks from monkeys. The expanding city would take the primates, the habitats, and there would be more confrontations with the people. “Monkeys are everywhere in Agra”, quoted by the Reuters news Agency, a local environmental activist. “They come in search of food, but they also attack.”

Tragic incident in India, the monkey steals a Baby and leaves it in the fountain, drowning – now the police chasing the animal, DPA,

, the uncle of the killed child complains to the BBC: “There are too many monkeys in the area. We live in fear. We ask the authorities for help, but they just do nothing.” The grandmother of the baby said the family would recover from the tragic event “never more”.

just two months ago, has occurred in the Region of a similar case. At the time, several of the monkeys had attacked a small child and seriously injured. The Boy is recovering, according to the BBC, still in a hospital from his injuries.

source: BBC
