in the Future, should it be in France, especially in election times harder to spread Fake News. The Parliament adopted in Paris two laws. You see, inter alia, that parties or candidates can call in the three months before a national election in the case of suspected false news a judge.

This can then prohibit publicly spread falsehoods in the summary proceedings. In addition, social networks such as Facebook or Twitter to commit to greater transparency, if you distribute content for a fee. The laws were passed with a significant majority of the government by Emmanuel Macron, and the allies of liberals.

In addition, the French broadcasting Council CSA may bind in the future, the broadcasting of television programs, the “of a foreign state” are controlled by, or is under his influence, if there are knowingly disseminated false information.

“muzzle” for the media?

This is primarily aimed at Russian media such as the television channel Russia Today (RT) and the news Ultrabet group Sputnik. Macron had been accused of in the presidential campaign, specifically the speculation about his private life, and to scatter its Links to financial organisations, to take as in the United States influence on the election campaign.

The package of legislation launches in France, however, also been criticised. The Senate had rejected the draft and not up for debate approved. Journalistic organizations warn of censorship and a “muzzle” for the media and citizens.

A Problem of the vague Definition of the term “Fake News”. The word choice in the text of the law leaves a large room for interpretation. There is talk of “inaccurate or misleading assertions or allegations”, which can interfere with the “truthfulness of a choice”.

A Commission to the enrichment of the French language has shaped the American concept of “Fake News” the word “Infox”. It should stand for “deceptive information”.
