In the case of valves, the company Ari you didn’t realize for some time that something was wrong. As is the case with the students, Nick N., 26, who had worked on during the semester holiday at the factory. Heavy metal poisoning, it said. Mercury. All of a sudden. No one could explain, when Ari is not used mercury. For a good two years, Nick is now in a coma, suffering from severe convulsions, the eyes opened, but soulless.

After the thing with Nick, another colleague, Udo B. got from the tool making Department, bad cramps and stomach bleeding. All of a sudden. Finally, the kidneys failed him. Three times a week he has since been on dialysis.


The entrance area of the valve manufacturer Ari (l.) in Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock near Bielefeld. In the break room of the company, the butter have been poisoned loaves of bread.

©Rolf Venn Bernd, Guido Kirchner/DPA The owl

And there was a third. Simon R., 27, also, tool. At work he threw up several times in the hospital, the Doctors found that his kidneys worked so well. Totally unexpected. With Ari, some of them began to remember. Since it had been given, but also the many deaths among the employees, an unusually high number, so it seemed, over the years. Cancer, Ulcers, Strokes, And Heart Attacks.

Nearly a year after Simon R. had located because of the kidneys for two weeks in the hospital, they sat with Ari, then all of them. The works Council and the CEO stared at the screen. Two days earlier, they had installed a camera in the tool making Department. In the supply shaft, directed on the pause table. Could this really be? He, of all people, the owl! Clearly was evident on the recordings, Klaus O. to. An older colleague, for nearly four decades in the case of Ari.

the trial in Bielefeld, break bread poisoned: he Wanted to observe his colleagues of the physical deterioration? REUTERS

The men watched as Klaus O. finds a folder under the Arm the way to the break table. He engages the standing on the floor and bag of colleagues, Simon R., takes out a lunch box, opens it. Then he pulls out a paper letter, and held it under the folder hidden, unfolds the slices of Bread, sprinkled with a whitish powder from the letters. He folded the slices, he puts them back. In the box. In the backpack. As if nothing had happened.

police officers searched a few days later, his house, they found in the basement is a veritable “poison laboratory,” as they called it. A large Arsenal of highly toxic substances, including mercury, lead and cadmium.

Now, half a year later, on 15. November, begins the trial against Klaus O., 57, in front of the Bielefeld district court. He is due to insidious and particularly gray attempted murder of the seeds charged. The investigators accuse him, to have from 2015 to 2018, “different substances” to break bread of the Ari employees scattered. He, as formulated by the Prosecutor’s office went to observe his colleagues of the physical deterioration. To see you suffer before his eyes, “pain and agony”.

Acute renal failure

In addition, are still planned for this year’s exhumations. 21 deaths from the past 18 years, are currently being investigated. Cases of Ari staff, suddenly died. Most of the time it was the heart or cancer. You will find the Remains suspicious substances, is initiated a process of its own. Then for murder.

It is a coincidence that the case came to light. The third the Sick, Simon R., was eventually suspicious. R. worked for several years with Ari. How to be a father. With his colleagues, he understood well. Especially with Nick N., the student of just a few houses away lived and had made prior to his studies, already a training in the company. In the case of Ari, the employees, everybody knows everybody. An owner-managed company, 700 employees, with headquarters in Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock near Bielefeld. Many of our colleagues living in the residential settlement in the vicinity, with their Bungalows, Carports, behind neatly trimmed trees and hedges. None of them would have believed that he, of all people here, in the case of Ari, something might happen to.

Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Poisoned Lunch in a company – police are investigating 21 deaths

The first oddities Simon R. fell in the summer of 2016. The water in his bottle appeared to him dull all of a sudden. Also his foreman, Udo B., had found the at his own bottle. The men suspected that there may be traces of milk and coffee that you drank in the break. Especially since the water also tasted a little sweet.

In March of 2017, began in Simon R. the abdominal pain. The Doctors couldn’t find anything. Only that the kidney values were too high. Twice as high as normal. Three months later, the company reported a serious illness of Mr Udo B. It had begun with abdominal bleeding, then acute renal failure followed failure.

powder to the bread-and-butter box

investigations by Simon R. showed, meanwhile, that in his body two tumors grew. In the adrenal gland and spine. In October, his condition deteriorated. Simon R. was limp. His body began to tremble uncontrollably. He had to pass several times, once directly in front of the eyes of Klaus O. Simon R. apologized to his colleagues, called out to him, he does not need to be home, he could. In the hospital, it was found that his kidney values were now eight times as high as normal. The doctor said the same-get to a poisoning. You should check it out.

once Ari had his machines carefully examine. A year earlier, as the thing with Nick N. was happening. At the time, the police and the district came to the office. It sucked the machines and sent the samples for analysis. Without A Result.

were Also discovered, in the case of Simon R., despite the Research, no abnormalities. The condition of the young man improved, and he came back to work, even if his kidney values were still good.

56-Year-old from Bielefeld break bread a colleague with poison should have enabled AFP

In March 2018, a year after the first symptoms, it occurred to Simon R. a brown powder on one of his loaves. The dirt from the backpack, he suspected. When he noticed the powder for the second Time, glued the remains of which are also on the edge of the bread-and-butter jar. Inside. The powder was distributed over a large area on the ham. A few weeks later, a white powder appeared on his bread, in between the lettuce leaves, went to Simon R. for the police. He filed a complaint against unknown. 1xbet Drove to the company. The incidents reported to his master. The notified the works Council.

two more Times you should find yourself in the following week, a white powder on Simon R.’s loaves of bread. But in the meantime, the works Council had turned the management of the company. The contacted the police. There is danger in delay. The camera was installed, Klaus O. was arrested.


did not expect, says a colleague. Klaus O. on 16. May 2018 is quite normal for the late shift came shortly before 14 o’clock. He stamped, went to his locker. As always. As to recognize, finally, four policemen in civil gifts, he only shrugged briefly. So as he wanted to run away. Then he can “quietly” take, “somehow emotionless”.

As always. Emotionless.

Silent, Klaus O. was. The colleagues at Ari say, you would hardly know anything about him. Only that he Repeated every Morning with his bike from Bielefeld to lock stucco Brock came in. 30 kilometers, he drove every day. For the next 38 years. Wordlessly, he went to the machine, always with his head bowed. One, greeted him and he greeted back, never. Sometimes, he wore headphones. Remained shielded from the world. If the colleague sat at the small break table, remained Klaus O. on the machine. Watched as they ate their sandwiches. Drank tea from his thermos. Reading A Newspaper. You have become accustomed to, says an employee. The Klaus, “a private Pitter”. Bitter he seemed. A Außenseitertyp.

57-Year-old for the attempted murder by poison in a staggered break bread before the court, AFP

has always Been. Former classmates remember, Klaus O. had lived with his parents in the parish house, social housing. He sometimes smelled of sweat. The front teeth were missing him later, when he was grown up, he can fix it.

It was like being in each class, one who does not want to give his name. He says, Klaus O. was a friend for him. At that time, there had been the speaker of the class ranks, and all that belonged to it. “And then there was us.” The Inconspicuous.

Klaus O. was different than all of them. Introvert. To him, it was not important what others said about him. He never was come to a, “we had to get on him,” says the friend.


In the municipal house, in the Klaus O. lived, there was a pointed gable. The few young men sat together, listened to music. All were AC/DC. Klaus O. liked but soft music, a mix of Italian Folklore and the middle ages-Pop. “No one heard at the time, so what I found kind of good.”

Klaus O., the embittered colleague. The Enemy Of Mankind. The friend says, Klaus O. was sensitive. A musical type. O. estimated the small cinemas. Japanese art films in the Original with subtitles. And in German class, so class tell comrades, independently of one another, have let the teachers Klaus O. s texts are read aloud. The Boy was then run in red. But each Time it had been in the class, quiet as a mouse. “He wrote like an adult, pointedly, with tremendous wit,” recalls one. In the end got him his spelling weakness for standing in your way. The only reason he didn’t get good grades.

his friend says: Klaus O. was above average intelligent. Built from old Parts of a stereo system for the youth room. Or a telescope, from a simple pane of glass. A Tinkerer. He had admired him for it.

In retrospect, he realized that he didn’t know much about Klaus O., says the friend. Whose parents, for example, he has never had to face. He believes the Boy got embarrassed. Also of his relationships later on. o. I told hardly anything. For ten years he lived with his first girlfriend in a small Apartment. As the partnership was broken, suddenly, lost O. the friend a word about it. And as O. to his current wife met, he said only: “I am now more often in Bremen.”

Simply fell

Since the wedding of the friend to Klaus O. had only sporadic contact. The last Time he saw him for the 40. Birthday of o. ‘ s wife two years ago. The guests sat on the terrace, talking. Klaus O. had off sat with the children on the floor and played. Completely engrossed. All the talk of the adults did not have him interested. His children, eleven and three, I loved Klaus O. but always very. “Klaus, you go out together, without talking much,” says the friend. Maybe a little would not have had the emotions. But other than it felt the work of colleagues, he had been in no way bitter. Not at all aggressive.

one Wonders, however, with Ari, you can hear that it has given outburst. Sometimes. o. was very pedantic. If the forklift driver dropped him supplies exactly the right angle at his workplace, he has been angry. A colleague had called him once a “Klausi”. Since O. had grabbed him by the collar, yelling: “Klaus, Klausi!”. And also the friend remembers to have heard, that Klaus O. had raunzt in the case of Ari, a young researcher. “Take care of yourself yourself drum,” he said when she asked him for help. The had wondered the friend. His Art, he believes, have been o often in the way. 38 years in the same Department. Even the boys, like Simon R., had already received training paid for. With Ari, you would have taken a lot of colleagues in the house. O. would have had to communicate the desire only.

Since half a year, or sitting in detention. He doesn’t speak it. Not even with his lawyer. And as long as he does not speak, grows in Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock the uncertainty.

A dead body had already been and toxins examined in an autopsy, is the sister of an employee who died in the summer, all of a sudden. A month after O. had been arrested. The heart fell down, was he. The results of the autopsy are not available.

Verätzter larynx

Ari, you don’t believe that it came through o. to death in some cases. Hardly any have worked so closely with him, such as in the current proceeding. Nowhere else had he been able to loaves of bread so easy to poison. However, a former colleague of o. ‘ s to to be a couple of years ago with him in the dispute. At some point during this time, he got drunk in the company of a Cola. After that, his larynx had been burned.

And there was something else. Even the employees of the morning shift stood in front of closed doors, recalls a. As the security service opened up, because Klaus O. had been sitting quietly on the machine. After 38 years of Ari, says the employee, Klaus O., possessed a key, “he would have had access to many rooms”.

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