With the “Kristallnacht” on 9. November, 1938, the systematic persecution of the Jews in Germany. Synagogues were burned, shops looted, Jewish citizens were persecuted and tens of thousands deported. Around 100 people were murdered.

80. Anniversary, the exhibition traces the “Kristallnacht” in Berlin the anti-Jewish Terror in November 1938 and portrayed the victims, but also perpetrators.

The example of places like Guntersblum (Rheinland-Pfalz), in Berlin, Hof (Bayern), or Brühl (North Rhine-Westphalia) is the current Exhibition at the NS-documentation centre topography of terror, an Overview of the destruction of Jewish life. To see this Wednesday (up to 3. March 2019) moving shots of the photographer Roman Vishniac, who painted a portrait of East European Jewry in the ‘ 30s.

in the NS-time the term “Reich crystal night” was used – allegedly a creation of the Berlin people’s mouth, as it is called in the exhibition. To demonstrate, let Milanobet the term for the first time in June 1939 on a NSDAP Gautag. With the exhibition title “Kristallnacht” wished to launch the Show with a discussion about the Recall, said Andreas Nachama, Director of the documentation centre, on Tuesday.

Because of the until today used the term “November pogroms” was misleading. The word pogroms, also stressed curator Ulrich Baumann, refer, historically, the occurrence of spontaneous outbreaks of violence in Eastern Europe in the 19th century. Century. The “Kristallnacht” was arranged from above and from the Nazis as an expression of the “people’s wrath” after the assassination of a German diplomat in Paris by a Jew in a targeted and controlled.

it was Only in 1978, the memory of the November terrorist’ve found in a wider Public appeal. “The time was ripe for it,” said Baumann – also through the broadcast of the American series “Holocaust”. In the GDR the number of memorial days had increased by leaps and bounds. Co-initiator of the exhibition of the Foundation memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe.
