
Electricity bonus: how to save money with Total and Engie?

ELECTRICITY BONUS 2022. The energy giants will offer bonuses and discounts to the most economical customers from this winter. How it works ? How...

Carpool bonus: a confirmed bonus! For whom and when?

CARPOOLING BONUS. In an attempt to reduce CO2 emissions, the government has formalized the creation of a brand new bonus for carpooling users in...

Gas prices: price cap, towards an agreement within the EU?

GAS PRICE. The twenty-seven reached an agreement on Friday, October 21 about the gas price cap. But not everything is settled, especially on the...

Winter break 2022-2023: it starts this November 1st! How it works ?

WINTER BREAK. As of November 1, 2022, a landlord no longer has the possibility of evicting a tenant for non-payment. However, there are some...

Canteen prices: a rapid increase? Professionals warn

SCHOOL CANTEENS PRICES. Catering professionals are warning of an untenable situation in the face of rising inflation and soaring energy prices. As a matter...

Inflation bonus: Why didn't I receive the last payment?

2022 ENTRY BONUS. The final payment of the inflation bonus for recipients of the activity bonus was made on November 15. Didn't receive anything?...

Budget 2023: the Senate rejects the taxation of superprofits

BUDGET 2023. On Saturday, November 19, the Senate rejected the amendments of the left and the centrists concerning the taxation of superprofits. Saturday evening,...

Buying physical gold and silver: the right saving reflex in times of inflation?

As inflation takes hold and so does geopolitical uncertainty, wondering how to protect your savings? A safe haven for centuries, gold represents a relevant...

Christmas bonus: payout delayed to January 2023?

CHRISTMAS BONUS 2022. The payment of the Christmas bonus made by CAF is scheduled for this Thursday, December 15. However, some beneficiaries will have...

Energy wood check: let's go! How to get up to 200€?

WOOD HEATING. The government provides some households with assistance to pay for the wood used to heat the homes. But it is up to...

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