
Inflation is rising, what to do with your cash?

Consumer prices continue to rise, our purchasing power is eroding. The reappearance of inflation inevitably impacts the way in which we must manage our...

Fire Risk: Properly Protect and Insure Your Home

There are many fire hazards in his house. How can you limit the risk of a fire starting and properly insure your home against...

Exceptional back-to-school bonus: 100 euros, but for whom?

EXCEPTIONAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL BONUS. New aid has been announced as part of the purchasing power law. An exceptional back-to-school bonus of 100 euros will be...

Fuel, student grant, borrower insurance… What changes on September 1st

PURCHASING POWER. The first aid measures relating to the purchasing power law come into force this Thursday, September 1, 2022. Revaluation of the fuel...

Purchasing power law: fuel, scholarships… what's new this Thursday, September 1?

PURCHASING POWER LAW. It's D-Day for the first support measures for the purchasing power law. Fuel discount of 30 cents, borrower insurance, student grant......

Watch your bank account, a tax transfer may be coming!

You may be affected by the transfer made from Tuesday, September 6 by the tax authorities. What is this amount and why are you...

This financial aid will triple, find out how to take advantage of it!

The ceiling of the Macron bonus was raised this fall. Employees will be able to receive up to 6000 euros! Here are the conditions...

Oil prices: it goes up this Tuesday! What impact in France?

PRICE OF A BARREL OF OIL. The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil rose slightly on Tuesday, September 13. Not very reassuring,...

Ma Prime Rénov': towards an increase in the budget in 2023?

MY PREMIUM RENOV. The government could increase the Ma Prime Rénov' budget to 2.6 billion euros in 2023 to better target the most modest...

Forbidden to heat above 19°C? The fine you risk

As surprising as it may seem, the government does have a legal text allowing users to be fined if they do not agree to...

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