
Nancy (17) disappeared during the lunch break – police have asked for urgent Use

Since Thursday afternoon, the 17-year-old Nancy from Kleinwallstadt is in Swiss francs unaccounted for. Now the police asks for urgent instructions. ...

Bundeswehr vehicles: for this reason, all have a Y indicator

Have you ever wondered what the "Y" on the license plate number of Bundeswehr vehicles? We'll tell you what's behind it. ...

From E to Y: This car license plate in Germany

The classic EU-indicator everybody knows. But what it signs with a red number, or the additives "E" and "H". We give a...

German inventor points on the CES with E-minibus

technician from Aachen have set with the fully-electric small van street scooter years ago accents. Now a fully electric van will also...

Brexit vote: the date and possible scenarios after the vote

On 15. In January, it's come to the final Brexit vote. There is an orderly Brexit or a mess? These are the...

They also make this mistake when eating burgers? Probably Yes, and every Time

burgers are literally all the rage and not a few consider themselves to be real experts in the field. But even you...

Wash your car in the Winter: you should pay attention to

occur as soon As lower temperatures, many motorists are unsure: Should I wash the car in the Winter and if Yes, when...

Anyone who takes only two cups of this drink, endangered his Baby

Who is pregnant, should enjoy a couple of food only in moderation. Also for drinks the following applies: Less is often more....

AfD lace locks own country tags-deputies for two years for all Offices

The AfD may politician André Poggenburg hold for two years, no political party offices. The Federal Executive of the party decided. ...

Anyone who slips, even the debt: Therefore, the house owner Parking does not need...

The Augsburg district court has decided: Parking need not be completely cleared. Good for the property owners - others suffer from it....



Selena Gomez Claps Back at Haters with a Bold Message

Selena Gomez, the talented actress and singer, recently made headlines for her bold message to haters who viewed her as a victim due to...

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