Schönau am Königssee is currently acute avalanche danger – blasting is not possible. Three winter sports were still a Tour with follow.

Schönau am Königssee – Two Schneeschuhgeher and a ski Tourer on Thursday evening, about three hours, the mountain of Berchtesgaden, and the controls required to free the staff of the Jenner Bahn: putting yourself in great danger. The increased avalanche danger in Bavaria was not learning the winter sports aware.

Trio rose in Schönau am Königsee, in spite of avalanche danger at the steel house at the Jenner

The two Schneeschuhgeher of Swiss francs in the case of heavy snow fall in the direction of Torrener yoke ascended and wanted to repent at the height Mitterkaser. A single ski tourers from the district of Rosenheim came across the couple and took the lead.

also read: backcountry Skiing kid … thank you in Distress – more Complicated to use for the rescue helicopter

The Trio of rose, despite the great danger of avalanches on to the steel house and was oriented first of all to the snow poles, which are attached to the still until a short time ago cleared blocks ellenweg. In open terrain the athlete lost to the Jenner mountain station, the orientation, and finally counter-17.15 PM an emergency call to the mountain rescue.

No headlamp: ski tourers wakes up and crashed again and again

The mountain-head was on the phone with the Trio, the first in the conversation, the avalanche danger in the unsecured ski room was aware of it. Then, the two men and the woman turned around and descended. The Problem: The ski Tourer had a lamp, there are no own forehead, and rushed in the cone of light of the two Schneeschuhgeher again and again, prompting the athlete to around 100 meters of descent, once again the mountain rescue team asked for help.

snowcat came to the rescue

Five forces moved in. The service personnel of the Jenner Bahn came and started with two snow groomers from the krautkaser field in the direction of the in distress in the mountains-stricken group. In the meantime, had reported to a local ski tourers, who helped the couple from Franconia and the Rosenheim and managed to bring them to the Krautkaser-mountain station. One of the two slopes met, finally, caterpillars, and brought the group into the valley.

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ski touring is part of an Alpine club group, of the were ascended on the same evening six other hikers on the king’s Creek and king mountain pastures to the steel house. Due to the still ongoing construction site at the Jenner is the new Jenner-Bahn departs from beside the krautkaser rail currently only up to the middle station, where the terrain above is from the staff and will not be taken care of. This means that there is no Avalanche detonations take place. By several ditches and storm flows due to the heavy snow already triggered off avalanches on the way.

Schneeschuhgeher, ski tourers and walkers, there are on-the-go, often without the appropriate consciousness in very great danger; for the forces of the mountain, the climb is watching the current conditions is very risky. The snow poles at the Jenner are only for the access roads to the construction site, but not to the point of orientation for mountaineers attached.


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